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Need Help illustrator creates multiple over lines over image


New Member
Now this has been happening a lot and i dont know what im doing wrong since if im working on design using different tools and eventually when i export image to rip software or even in AI, i end up with 3-10 overlines over the main image, this has caused me a lot of hassle as had my strip digged out multiple times just to find that exported image contrains at least 4-10 lines on top which arent visible in roland cut studio.

usually id import image do image trace and then tinker with shape builder and other tools, but at some point overlays get created on top and this digs my head up, as had couple cuts where it went trough vinyl until parts would fall out.

any suggestions what im doing wrong or how to check for multiple overlays ???

IDB Signs

New Member
Maybe I'm just having a slow day or a stroke or something.... But I'm not really sure what you're trying to say here? Maybe post some photos or screenshots of your issue? What do you mean by 'digging'?


New Member
ok have a bit of read and for some reason default image trace creates two sets of lines of the image being traced, in other words whatever image i trace and sent to cut it runs same lines 2-3 times over, and its almost impossible to notice when exporting unless you move or delete some of the lines and you see other set of same ones remains. its like overlap cut but for some reason its done by default in AI when doing image trace.

so for whatever reason even when creating my own designs sometimes same lines get multiplied and when sent to plotter instead of doing single run it keeps going trough same lines over and over, if simple design you can select each line and delete one by one, but with more complex im bound to miss some and end result is you get cut trough vinyl specially if using higher force.

Now i know im prob fckn it up somwhere in software and not deleting or moving lines just to leave single layer of outlines instead ending up with 2 up to 10 sets of lines on top of each other.

its like drawing a line on paper and doing it again on top,expect plotter sees it as cut trough same line again and again depending how many end up like that 0_0

digging is when same lines has been passed so many times that blade digs into protective strip, as it cuts entirely trough vinyl.
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IDB Signs

New Member
For starters, I would say that you have to take everything image trace does with a grain of salt. Rarely does it just work exactly as intended off the bat, especially with the default settings. So take the time to play with the various settings, and then take the time to check your art. If it proves to be too time intensive for you, there are many vectorization services out there that will give you a good file for fairly cheap.

You say it also happens when creating your own designs? Is it something like a glitch that is creating vectors? Or could it be that you've accidentally Alt+clicked and dragged or something along those lines and duplicated it without realizing it? Check your layers. If you can be a little more specific to the context in which it is happening, maybe we can narrow it down. I have also had instances where the line stroke thickness has caused a single, thicker line to be cut as two, the inside and the outside of the stroke.


Certified Enneadecagon Designer
What version of illustrator and how many colors are you trying to vectorize?


New Member
2018, default setting single color i get black and white, use default image trace>expand, switch tools to delete borders of image> move to rip = ends up with 2 sets of same lines on top of each other pics below in AI shows up as single line part, in cut studio same part times 5. Now it doesnt happen all the time but this below was done by me and for some reason when exported to rip suddenly i have 2-6 overlaps.


  • cut studio.jpg
    cut studio.jpg
    178.3 KB · Views: 294
  • sample.jpg
    235.5 KB · Views: 326


Certified Enneadecagon Designer
2018, default setting single color i get black and white, use default image trace>expand, switch tools to delete borders of image> move to rip = ends up with 2 sets of same lines on top of each other pics below in AI shows up as single line part, in cut studio same part times 5. Now it doesnt happen all the time but this below was done by me and for some reason when exported to rip suddenly i have 2-6 overlaps.

WIth one color try going to your "Image Trace" Option window and make sure it says "BLACK AND WHITE" then "Advanced Setting" in the same window, make sure "IGNORE WHITE" is on....


New Member
thx a lot that worked not sure how or why but single line trace, any idea what could caused issue above in my pics thou as it was hand drawn and it showed up exactly as in image two sets of lines, but when exported i was getting 5 in total overlaps on one part ,checked layers and everything shows up as one layer no extras, line size used 1pt on red part that selected in AI

IDB Signs

New Member
Hmm. You mentioned that you're using the shape builder tool to clean things up after the trace? If you use that tool on two adjacent objects or areas, it will literally create each shape you tell it to. This means that it is going to have an outline vector around each object. If you made every closed vector into a shape, then a plotter would try to outline each individual shape.


New Member
unfortunately yes use shape builder a lot recently as it helps with complex shapes vs pathfinder which sometimes doesn't work as intended, so to get to the point each time shape builder is used it creates outlines on top ?


Certified Enneadecagon Designer
thx a lot that worked not sure how or why but single line trace, any idea what could caused issue above in my pics thou as it was hand drawn and it showed up exactly as in image two sets of lines, but when exported i was getting 5 in total overlaps on one part ,checked layers and everything shows up as one layer no extras, line size used 1pt on red part that selected in AI

The way you were doing it, It is tracing both the black, and the white. When the black and white border each other, they are required to have their own vector in order to replicate the color. "IGNORING WHITE" removes that extra vector needed and simulates a hole or "compounded" vector


New Member
well hell thank you both, thought i had good workflow with AI but seems need to take classes as it literally left some damage in my protective strip, this here should be a sticky for newbs like me.As shape builder is handy tool to merge holes gaps etc, but knowing now that white filler acts as extra vector and shape builder messes with lines will def need to rethink and watch future designs when working.

IDB Signs

New Member
When you use the shape builder on two areas that touch each other, yes. It will create an outline vector for each of the shapes. If they border each other, or if one is inside of the other, then it will create a vector for each, instead of just using one single path to separate them, which is what you want when dealing with plotters, CNCs, etc.

Try to start seeing everything in terms of the outlines, the vectors, instead of the shapes that they make up. If you were just printing the file, and not cutting then it would likely work fine with the shape builder. But with cutting- hidden stuff, 'invisible' objects (without a stroke or fill, but still has a vector present), object or paths underneath other layers, all matter. Pay close attention to your layers. I know it can create a mess of hundreds of paths sometimes, depending upon the art, so once you have done your trace maybe group things together and keep it organized. Then once you start editing you can have a better idea of what you have changed and can better see what's really going on. Hope this all helps! Be patient, Ai is capable of many, many things and it takes time and practice to learn how to do each one of them.


New Member
If they border each other, or if one is inside of the other, then it will create a vector for each

that pretty sums up why i ended up with 5 vectors in my design, as used SB multiple times on that single inside shape, rest as Rick said because of white background created extra outlines, so basically thats why ended up with 2s and 5 times overlaps. Again really appreciate detailed explanation.


New Member
Select > Same Fill Colour is also a great way of isolating colours from image tracing. You can also use it to get rid of invisible (un-filled) paths that sometimes result from tracing.


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Select > Same Fill Colour is also a great way of isolating colours from image tracing. You can also use it to get rid of invisible (un-filled) paths that sometimes result from tracing.

^^This is what I do. Trace and expand my graphic, then select the white arrow and use it to grab just (typically) the white box around what I want, then Select>Same Fill Color and 'delete.'


Prints stuff
If you’re ever flattening a placed object, make sure to deselect “convert all strokes to outlines” or any strokes will essentially be turned into a two sided object and will be cut twice (on either side of the line).

This however seems more like the above, when you trace an object, even the white areas are left as placeholders so just select a bit white then select - same - fill colour and delete.