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I'm new - hubby's not...


New Member
Welcome from another PA sign guy.
Sorta off topic, but I was a big fan of Cuervo's 1800 and got the scars to prove it :)



New Member
Hey, Checkers! One Tequila, Two Tequila, Three Tequila - Floor! It's getting to the floor that's the hard part.
And everyone that's been to mbarden's parties you know it...I won't be there. I have my own fun going on, we just meet up at the end of the night. Keeps the marriage strong that way! Thanks for all the welcomes and the laughs. and hey, jillbeans....6 wides? try 9.5's! YIKES......


Premium Subscriber
Hey, Checkers! One Tequila, Two Tequila, Three Tequila - Floor! It's getting to the floor that's the hard part.

See, there's a trick to that.

First, you go to Sears and buy a little kid's swimming/wading pool. Blow it up any way you can. Lay it on the floor and proceed to fill it full of beer and lay on the floor aside of it and drink with a 'bendie' straw.

You'll get way-y-y-y past four and when you do, you're only gonna fall as far as your elbow has your head propped up.

Have to teach you kids everything !! :Big Laugh