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New Member
Hey....I've been working in the sign bus. for 20 yrs., an employee for 16, just started my own sign bus. over a year now. My expertise is carving. I've been on the production and installation end of things till now.Working in small town rural Maine. Computors are somewhat new to me, however I have learned a lot in the past couple years,being self taught pretty much. I have a 30" Panther cutter and VE LXi Master edition sign program ( Flexi prog. sold exclusive through Signwarehouse ).....I'll think of some questions later....imaSIGNr


New Member
Here's a question.....sometimes when I'm working on a job I move either my Design editor or Fill stroke editor box accidentally off the edge of the border and the only way I can get it back is to close out of the program ,then open it again. Is there another way? .....imaSIGNr
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New Member
Not that I can find. My suggestion would be to place them a the rop of the page and use the minimize button to make just the topic show that way they are alway in the same location.


  • Doc1.doc
    129.5 KB · Views: 155


New Member
I tend to like to keep them open, so I keep moving them around to get them out of my way and in haste I seem to almost throw them ,thus off the page they go. I have tried minimizing and I just spend that much more time opening and closing the editor boxes......imaSIGNr


New Member
:Welcome: 2 :signs101: from Top Of Texas!

The attached image is how I have my Flexi setup on my desktop. I am using a widescreen, where you see the word cal is my desktop. BTW it is a widescreen display though.


  • DesktopFlexi.jpg
    80.1 KB · Views: 145


It's better to have two hands than one glove.
imaSIGNr said:
Here's a question.....sometimes when I'm working on a job I move either my Design editor or Fill stroke editor box accidentally off the edge of the border and the only way I can get it back is to close out of the program ,then open it again. Is there another way? .....imaSIGNr

Two ways, this happens to me all the time...

1. Minimize the bar at the bottom of your screen, the one with the 'Start' button on it. Just grab the top of it, the cursor should change to the resize double headed vertical arrow, and drag the top of the bar to the bottom of your screen. The tops of the missing dialogs should be living behind where this bar used to be. Grab them and move them back up on the display. Then grab the top of the minimized bar and bring it back to where it was.

2. If that doesn't work, and it does work 99% of the time, restore down Flexi [the center button on the upper right of the screen] if you have it maximized. Right click anywhere on an empty region of the desktop. Select Properties->Settings and set the screen resolution to the maximum setting and apply the change. You probably won't be able to read anything on the screen but the wayward dialogs will appear somewhere on the desktop. Drag them back onto the Flexi window where they belong and then reset your screen setting back to whatever resolution you were using.


New Member
Tried both of those Bob, dosen't work for me. I did it on purpose even ,I just moved the fill/stroke editod down where I could not see it any more, let go of the mouse I still the only way I can get it back is to close out and reopen again. I MUST be missing something......imaSIGNr


It's better to have two hands than one glove.
Something is strange. You can't move an object to a region that does not exist and objects are singularly lacking in inertia, you can't throw them. You can't move your mouse icon completely off of the display, at least one pixel must remain visible, thus you can't move an object completely off the display.

The best you can do is move an object such that only a minute amount of it remains on the display but, since you can't move the mouse pointer off the display, that tiny part of an object left on the display is sufficient to grab and drag the whole thing back into view. In other words, you dragged it there, you can drag it back.

Either the missing dialogs must be behind some other object in the stacking order or your monitor's geometry is set such that one or more edges of the display are behind the front bezel. Try setting your monitor's geometry so you at least have just a bit of a black outline visible all around the display.


New Member
losing editor box

Bob.........I just did it again and still can't retrieve the darn box.....How do I set the monitor geometry ? I'll try that....Oh ,and I can move my cursor completely out of sight, and when I let go of the mouse, it's gone........imaSIGNr


It's better to have two hands than one glove.
imaSIGNr said:
Bob.........I just did it again and still can't retrieve the darn box.....How do I set the monitor geometry ? I'll try that....Oh ,and I can move my cursor completely out of sight, and when I let go of the mouse, it's gone........imaSIGNr

OK, assuming that you're using the standard upper left pointing arrow for a cursor...

With this cursor the target is the single pixel at its point. This point cannot be moved off of the logical display. Your problem gives every indication of being that your logical display is somewhat larger than the actual viewing area.

The top and the left side should be no problem, if you can move the cursor, out of sight in either of those two directions your monitor's display geometry is totally FUBAR. You shouldn't be able to move any part of the mouse pointer off of the display to the top or to the left.

Now then, bring your mouse down to the bottom of the screen, keep your eyes on the single pixel that is the tip of the mouse pointer. No matter how far down you try to move the mouse you should still see the one black pixel that is its tip. Look hard.

Next move the mouse pointer as far to the right as you can. No matter how far to the right you go you should still see the one pixel wide vertical line that is the left edge of the pointer's arrowhead.

If any of the top, left, right, and bottom conditions described above is not the case then you need to resize your display. The procedure is slightly ro wildly different for every flavor of monitor. If you're in possession of a manual for your monitor, the procedure should be at least outlined there. If not, there should be some buttons, perhaps also some wheels, somewhere on your monitor, usually in the vicinity of the contrast and brightness controls. Perhaps behind a little trap door, perhaps on the bottom of the front bezel, perhaps on the side of the bezel. Maybe little widgets with screwdriver slots. They are there somewhere.

If you're fortunate to have a monitor created by civilized beings, there might even be a button the puts a menu on the screen.

No matter, there will be some sequence of combination of controls that will allow you to size the visible display. Find it and use it to make sure that you can actually see all four edges of your desktop. You want the actual image on the monitor to be slightly smaller than the complete visible area. You want a black margin around the image. It doesn't have to be big, it just has to be there.

Once you properly set up your display, you shouldn't be able to move any object completly off the desktop. If something seems to disappear, look behind your toolbar, you can minimize it or just click on an unoccupied part of it and drag it to the top of the display. If the top of the object absolutely positively isn't there, look real close, then look at the right side of your display. If the left edge of the object isn't there either then you have the equivalent of mice in the washroom. Which is computerese for magic and you'll need the services of a competent metaphysician.