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Imitation Gold Leaf Vinyl - Need Suggestions


10X Graphics & Marketing, LLC.
Hello All,

I have a customer who needs some gold vinyl letters. I have not used gold vinyl, so i am looking for some suggestion and tips on brand or type. I am specifically looking for the type of vinyl specified in the attached photo. Thanks for the help.

The customer has mentioned imitation gold leaf, but I have not been very successful in finding it in a google search so far.





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Premium Subscriber
Breaker 1-9.......... Maybe you could tell us where you've looked so far so we don't repeat ourselves ??

The photo is a little fuzzy, but almost any distributor will sell some brand of gold leaf vinyl. Costs are minimal to rather pricey, if you go with SignGold or some brand like it.


Rap Master
If you are matching what is already on a truck, yo're gonna have to take a real clear photo and re-post it here.
it sounds like you're a bit new to lettering fire apparatus; and I will be the first to tell you how picky they are!
As others have mentioned, there are many types available and a better picture will help to identify what you need. If this is going on a fire truck, you have to be careful about what you use. You can't just order the cheapest imitation gold you can find and slap it on there, it will either turn silver or be falling off in a years time.


Dammit, make it faster!!
Yeah, that's called engine turn gold. Imitation Gold Leaf is a different animal. We use that too though.
This is what we use unless they insist on the real stuff


10X Graphics & Marketing, LLC.
Thanks for the replies so far... I am trying to get another photo of the truck.

Yes, I am new to fire decals, especially the gold leaf. The suppliers I have checked with so far are Fellers and Signwarehouse. The durability concerns me. Thanks in advance for the suggestions.


Premium Subscriber
I know Fellers carries it. Not sure in SignWarehouse. Durability only comes with the 2 expensive kinds...... and that's if you do it correctly.


10X Graphics & Marketing, LLC.
The customer said it is "imitation" gold so if we don't use the real stuff (22kt) then I guess the durability is going to be an issue?

Anyone used the R-Tape Large Engine Gold vinylefx...


Active Member
I've used the R tape, it's pretty good. We clear it with either a liquid like Frog Juice
or lam with clear cast slightly larger than the vinyl.


Premium Subscriber
Lotsa people call all of it Imitation Gold Leaf, if it ain't real gold leaf, like in a book where you use size, lay it on and put some clear over it. That's generally 23k or 23.5k patent gold, surface leaf, loose leaf, ribbon and roll leaf.

Even the Real or SignGold and others are really not gold leaf. They're just longer lasting.


10X Graphics & Marketing, LLC.
Never used frog juice...

Best way to apply? I am making ready to apply decals for this customer.


Active Member
Sign Gold isn't "real"? It says 22K on the box. I thought it was real gold fused to a vinyl carrier sheet.


New Member
I've used the R tape material in the past, and I've only had one issue with it.

I had 9 feet in stock from doing a truck lettering job, and when I got an order for another large job, I got a roll and used the 9 feet first, and then started the new roll. The problem was the colors were not the same between the 2 rolls. I didn't even look that close, but out in the sun you could see the difference. With the letters side by side it was noticeable. Turns out R tape changed the formula between my first and second roll... I don't know if there is any difference between rolls now as I haven't used any in a while.
I am not a fan of putting the RTape gold on fire trucks. I will do it if the customer insists or it has to match older work, but then it absolutely has to have clear laminate over top and extending past the edges to seal it. It will quickly turn silver if it sees a lot of sun. For most trucks where hand laid 23 kt. gold isn't specified, I use the "Real Gold" brand 22 kt. vinyl. It is an excellent product that holds up and has a warranty to back it up, but technically it isn't "real" gold leaf. It is an extremely thin later of gold on top of vinyl.


New Member
I am not a fan of putting the RTape gold on fire trucks. I will do it if the customer insists or it has to match older work, but then it absolutely has to have clear laminate over top and extending past the edges to seal it. It will quickly turn silver if it sees a lot of sun. For most trucks where hand laid 23 kt. gold isn't specified, I use the "Real Gold" brand 22 kt. vinyl. It is an excellent product that holds up and has a warranty to back it up, but technically it isn't "real" gold leaf. It is an extremely thin later of gold on top of vinyl.

I would much rather use Sign Gold, but I have had issues with SG years ago, but I have to take responsibility myself, considering I didn't edge seal it...

I used the R tape because it was to match everything else the fire company had. And I would hate to know what the job would have cost. I put a 30" x 25' red stripe on the side of a tanker. In that, I put the r-tape gold with a black outline. About 50' of material would have been way out of their price range...
I would much rather use Sign Gold, but I have had issues with SG years ago, but I have to take responsibility myself, considering I didn't edge seal it...

I used the R tape because it was to match everything else the fire company had. And I would hate to know what the job would have cost. I put a 30" x 25' red stripe on the side of a tanker. In that, I put the r-tape gold with a black outline. About 50' of material would have been way out of their price range...

My comment about the RTape wasn't directed towards you at all. I completely agree with matching the rest of the fleet. I just don't try to "push" the RTape products for new installs unless it is a matter of matching something. I would put 23 kt. hand laid gold on every truck if I could, but like you mentioned it always comes down to money in the end.