New Member
I have wondered about this for a long time. I have ordered pan polycarb sign faces fpr years and polycarb comes in clear and white signgrade. I am now mostly retired and spend most of my time with a laser at my old shop. I use a lot of Gemini Duets plastics, both solid and with an overlayed color for engraving and noticed it was way more flexible than normal acrylic... it is impact modified acrylic... and you can do a lot of things with it. So I inquired about impact modified acrylic with my suppliers and most did not know what I was looking for but E&T stocks white 'sign grade' in .177 in large sheets and also sell it in rolls [not sure how wide]... the rolls made me wonder if what I have been getting was modified acrylic rather than Polycarb. It is wonderful stuff and cuts nicely on the laser so we use it rather than .125 ACM if it needs contour cutting and it works a treat. I would love to get some clear and some .22 if it is available. Can someone enlighten me about this. Old inquiring minds want to know. Thanks Gene