New Member
Wow smart and beautifl ,what a combo.Thanks for the tip.
I generally have to change an object to a specific size. Say I have a 9" x 3.3" selection that I need to take down to 4.3" x ?.
With the object selected, open the transform pallet, which will show you the dimension of the selection. Change the 9" to the 4.3, hit command/return, (mac keyboard), and it will scale perfectly.
FYI: the 48" dimension is just a ratio... that number would apply to anything on the page... whether horizontal vertical or even at an angle.. it just establishes the scale.
just thought of common real world example, gonna work on it right now!
oooo... with photos, screen shots, circles and arrows... it'll all make perfect sense
just wait... your gonna love me
I draw line across the door width and select the logo and the line. I then copy and paste it somewhere else on the page. Then I select both the logo and line and type the actual dimension of the door width (say 48") in the appropriate size box and hit enter. Presto... the logo is full scale.(Don't forget to check the little box that maintains the aspect ratio)
John, you're talking to the girl who got kicked out of class for take a stance against having x's and y's or any letters for that matter, in math problems.I am so glad that you did not sit next to me in algebra class in 1959 because when I copied your answers it would have been more confusing and my D would have gone to an F.