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New Member
I have started a new company a few weeks ago. I have been in the graphics wrap industry for 16 years or so but this is my first venture on my own. I have a install coming up for flat panel installs in malls in several states in a few weeks time but a 5 million dollar insurance umbrella is needed. What type of insurance is this and will any insurance carrier have it? Is it just basic liability? please help the installs are next week and this is key to my start of business. Thanks for your help


New Member
1st, Welcome to S101. Yes it sounds like bsic liability in the amount of 5 million coverage. I pay around $234.00 for one mil. Am looking around for different dealer.


It's better to have two hands than one glove.
General liability that picks up the tab after the limits on any other pertinent liability policies are exceeded. We have a 2 million umbrella policy because it's substantially cheaper than jacking up the liability limits of our auto and homeowner's coverage to provide adequate coverage based on the value of the assets involved.

If I were so moved to buy such a thing for job I'd do so and mark it up 100% just like materials or anything else needed for the job.

But it's a good bet that I wouldn't be so moved and if someone required me to carry more than I do for some job or another I'd just naturally tell them "Fine, you require me to have it, you buy it." In other words if someone wants to be indemnified against something I might do over and above the limits I see fit to provide, it's their problem not mine.


New Member
Liability only covers vehicles in your shop if something happens not related to installation. Ex: car stolen, building fire etc.
If you want to cover vehicles from anything, including damage tht might occur during intallation or if dents or damage is done you will need a garage keepers policy. We carry one and it runs from 500-2000+ a month. Quite expensive but it helps when selling a wrap because none of our competitors have it and a client feels good knowing their vehicle is protected for everything!


Premium Subscriber
How did you get the job without having proof of the required insurance as part of the bid?


New Member
I believe you are talking about business insurance that every business should have. It includes but not limited to: Content (fixtures, equipments,inventories, every hard assets in your business, which you estimate the value, and this part cost the most in premium), Loss of Earning (say your building burned or damaged that you can not operate business and lost of your income, including your rent payment to your landlord. which you have to proof by your book), Auto and Liability (damage cost by you in the course of do business such as sign fall down, burnt you client's building, usually in the 1 mil or 2 mil range are pretty reasonable).

when you bid the install job for your client (say a small multi-location business), they might not inquire about your insurance, it is up to us to know that all Malls or shopping centers require a certificate of insurance name them as "additionally insured" with liability cover for a certain amount, in order to enter and working on their property.

It takes time to secure this coverage and paperwork if you don't already have this business insurance. Your choice will be sub to local sign company already qualified by that insurance requirement.

If you have business insurance policy, simply ask them to increase the liability coverage, and charge your client for the added cost.

Such is one of the joy to be in business.


New Member
I pay $800 a year for 5 mil of coverage. Damage, theft, what ever happens. Includes my shop and all our equp (around $700K worth)


New Member
I pay $800 a year for 5 mil of coverage. Damage, theft, what ever happens. Includes my shop and all our equp (around $700K worth)

That doesn't include ANY damage that might be done to property or customer vehicles. That's a liability plan.
Expect to pay 3-1000$ a month for the right coverage. Coverage that you can feel good knowing that if ANYTHING happens... You are covered.