Signs365 is $40/sheet for a s.f. 4'x8' sheet, no matter how it's cut up. What gets me is the $10 next day shipping. When we ship a lighter package of roughly the same size as a box of 18x24's from Signs365, by ground, we're getting charged anywhere from $10-$19 depending on destination address type. And next day shipping can be $75. Same thing with Amazon shipping. Basically the large shippers are being subsidized by the small shippers. I know, volume, yada, yada. But the Post Office would be in a lot better shape if they weren't undercutting their own price to ship Amazon's packages. And though Jeff Bezos might be a million or two poorer if Amazon had to pay the same rates as everyone else, it wouldn't be the end of the world. Considering the volume that they ship, if they just made Amazon pay half what I do, they (UPS or FedEx) could send my packages for free and be making twice the money they are now.