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Is Flexi Sign compatable with Roland GX-24?


New Member
Good afternoon,

I have a Roland G X-24 ad I found an old Flexisign interactive sign layouts CD and would ask if the FS program will work on the Roland GX-24? I am using Windows 7.

If so, is FS 8.1 available?

Thank you,



New Member
i would be more concerned...........about the FLEXI(old) running on win 7))))) yes the flexi will work with a roland.........


Active Member
Thank you for your reply.

It's spending $4000 for a program is a lot of money.


4K isn't as bad as some programs.

Although, I would download inkscape. I know that it cuts directly to my GX-24. You just have to be aware that it is going to cut in order of object creation, which may or may not be the most efficient cut sequencing and Inkscape isn't the greatest when it comes to re-ordering, since right now it doesn't have sub layers. The new version is supposed to.


New Member
I am a sign software rebel

I don't believe in sign software.

I've tried most that have come down the pike and have had the the same problems that you can read
about here if you search the threads about flexi and all the other high priced bs software that is marketed
and sold to people who believe it will give them an edge.

I'm convinced the way to go is Corel or Adobe and and a bridging program like co cut to the plotter.

Did you ever hear of anyone having a problem loading Corel or a problem with co cut recognizing a plotter ?

For the printer we are happy with Raster Link.
Vectric for the router.

Yes Old Paint I know you can(((((((((((((((((( cut right out of Corel but it's not a very friendly way to do it.

Hope this helps


New Member
How to tell if flexi will run a cutter or printer

To tell just open production manager then right click in the white space where the cutter would show up and choose add device or setup. Choose the appropriate device. CUtter or printer and youll seeif the driver is a available.

as far as upgrading the new subscription service is the way to go, just $50 a month for the latest version, that like one job a month and you get all updates free!

Kneed to face the fact that version 8.1 is on the edge of not working with windows 7 or 8 and ask yourself if hassling with crashes is really worth your time.


New Member
Yes Old Paint I know you can(((((((((((((((((( cut right out of Corel but it's not a very friendly way to do it.
REALLY???? and explain to me how that is..but since you cant do it.....it aint friendly????
ROLANDS AND COREL work like a well oiled machine!!!!!!!
been cutting FROM COREL since V3..not X3.... but V3))))))))))))))) and to put that in SIGN PRODUCTION YEARS....1992-2014)))))
22 years .......of "friendly" working programs and ZERO GLITCHES))))))))
simple process, go to www.rolanddg.com and acquire proper driver for your OS. AND CUTTER.
un pack it, install it like you would a printer.....set it up like you would in any sign program.....
i have cut from a roland PNC-1000, for the 1st 5-6 years. moved up to 2 PNC-1100 till 2007, got a steal of a deal on a CX-300..............and CUT FROM COREL on all of em)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


New Member
Yes Old Paint I know you can(((((((((((((((((( cut right out of Corel but it's not a very friendly way to do it.
REALLY???? and explain to me how that is..but since you cant do it.....it aint friendly????
ROLANDS AND COREL work like a well oiled machine!!!!!!!
been cutting FROM COREL since V3..not X3.... but V3))))))))))))))) and to put that in SIGN PRODUCTION YEARS....1992-2014)))))
22 years .......of "friendly" working programs and ZERO GLITCHES))))))))
simple process, go to www.rolanddg.com and acquire proper driver for your OS. AND CUTTER.
un pack it, install it like you would a printer.....set it up like you would in any sign program.....
i have cut from a roland PNC-1000, for the 1st 5-6 years. moved up to 2 PNC-1100 till 2007, got a steal of a deal on a CX-300..............and CUT FROM COREL on all of em)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

I have downloaded the driver and used before.Did not like it.

Too many things that you can't do like ,show me,test drive,read the media width and length,can't adjust the speed,doesn't sort the drawing etc.

Yes it does work and I am sure there are ways to workaround its ineptness but why bother.
If it works for you and you are happy and comfortable with it that's all that really matters.

But it's like saying why buy a power drill to drive screws when you can do it by hand.)))))))))))))))))))))))))
)))))))))))))))))))))))))))just sayin


New Member
Too many things that you can't do like ,show me,test drive,read the media width and length,can't adjust the speed,doesn't sort the drawing etc.
i have no idea of what all is........SHOW ME???? in corel its called PRINT PREVIEW)))) one click and it open, 1 click it closes or you can hit PRINT NOW))))) and the plotter is off and running.
test drive? are you talking about running out the length of vinyl you will cut??? DO IT OFF THE PLOTTER if needed. my plotter read the media length and width.
why would you need to adjust the speed??? i have the plotter set at 35 can set it to 100......only time i ever change the speed is when iam cutting reflective....rolands pretty well work at one set speed for everything else....
sorting the drawing? WHY.......... if your in corel and go into print preview...you will see all that will be cut.....
and in 22 years...........all of these thing you list...........corel does what it needs to and the plotter does what it needs to.......
i had bridge progam called PRO-CUT. which was part of CO-CUT/EURO CUT. news flash for ya..... CO-CUT/EURO-CUT uses the COREL ENGINE/CODE to operate. back when corel 5 came out, COREL LEASED the cutting portion of its program to CO-CUT/EURO-CUT/PRO-CUT. corel 5 & 6 was VOID of cutting capability. was not till version 7, corel added the code back to its program. i rmemeber going to a sign show, when COREL 5 and CO-CUT/EURO-CUT came on the market. the CO-CUT BOOTH the guy was touting how easily CO-CUT worked seemlessly in corel))))) no kiddin.......IT WAS CORELS CODE))))))


Active Member
sorting the drawing? WHY.......... if your in corel and go into print preview...you will see all that will be cut.....

Actually this is perhaps the biggest con (in my opinion) when I'm cutting out of Ai or Inkscape (I no longer have Corel installed on my computers, but I did cut directly out of it as well when it was installed).

Cutting directly out of those 3 programs (in my experience) results in a cutting sequence based on how the objects are layered. Depending on how they are layered it may not be the most efficient cut path given the project. Just a possibility, but that's a big con that I've always had with cutting directly out of those programs is that I have to manually move everything around unless I planned on cutting vinyl with the design in the first place and designed it that way. Inkscape was the worst for this as well, because you don't have sub layers (although that's supposed to change with .91).


New Member
Feels like the old days

Wow, this discussion feels like hundreds I've read over the last 25 years. It really comes down to budget and workflow. If budget is of the highest concern, then yes, DESIGN programs like Corel, Inkscape and others can be used by adding plugins or drivers etc. If its about workflow, then in my opinion, you are better off with a more commercial program like FlexiSIGN.

Hey how many of you out there are actually using a cracked version of Corel or an Adobe product! Come on be honest! Just saying. Sure many shops do what they feel what they have to to make it. The commercial programs took hours of programming time to make and are focused on design AND production. The folks at Flexi are in addition, trying to develop more features that are workflow related using the cloud. Things like templates, estimating and more. Running a successful shop is lots more than the design program alone. It's a process, workflow.

Yes, I'm bias and yes I agree, whatever works. In all three shops I've owned and run I used commercial software. Just saying. Call up Corel or Adobe for help with the cutter or RIP plugin and they aint gonna help. At least with Flexi support you gotta chance.

Course you can call me too and visit my site www.Givemehelp.com


New Member
in my 22 years of using a computer.......i have had the opportunity to work almost every sign specific softwear program at one time or another. and in all of them.........I BUY COREL bout every 3 versions. when i 1st figured out how to use COREL(1992)(version 3)i am one of the 1st to do this....COREL had one drawback. its workspace was only 30 inches by 30 inches. so as long as you didnt do anything bigger..it was ok.wasnt until version 7, corel went to a 150 feet X 150 feet work space. i had a opportunity to buy PRO-CUT. the precursor to COCUT...that cut from corel draw. it had a bigger work area, did vectorizing, corel did, but not well. i also had a gotten a dongled sign program called LETTER ART 5.0 when i bought the ROLAND PNC-1000. good basic DOS based cad program. it also would handle large work. the PNC-1000 was also limited to 62.99 in length, but that was an easy work around. as a lot of stuff i did then was drawing pounce patterns and painting the signs. i was offered a GERBER 4B, with cad link card....and 4-5 fonts for $4000))))) i bought the ROLAND, got the LETTER ART with it....bought some vinly/tranfer tape all for $2000........AND COULD USE ALL THE FONTS on my computer)))) so glad i never got gerbered.
speaking of GERBER... of all the existing sign programs at that time.......GERBER ADVANTAGE SUCKED THE WORST!!!!! i had been using corel, and another sign person bought GERBER....and before he was up and running he was $10k in the hole......got a deal on a sprint, then was told he needed to buy GERBER ADVANTAGE. then it wouldnt work on his older computer so new computer))))) he did all his design work in COREL 3 & 4........sent it to advantage to cut only.
i like SIGN LAB, CAS-MATE, SIGN WIZARD. FLEXI is ok......but then.......ive never needed all the bells and whistles any of them have..... COREL AND MY CX-300........... do anything i need........easily, simply without any glitches......


New Member
Commercial Sign Program versus Corel, Photoshop, Illustrator etc.

I think you made an important point,
"i like SIGN LAB, CAS-MATE, SIGN WIZARD. FLEXI is ok......but then.......ive never needed all the bells and whistles any of them have..... COREL AND MY CX-300........... do anything i need........easily, simply without any glitches......"

With the new subscription versions of Flexi, anyone can get any level of the software from like $20 to$60 a month, and have all the "bells and whistles". They also make versions like FlexiStarter, that's just a basic "design and send it to the cutter" like program.

BTW...loved LetterART! I think he guy that did that one was Larry Jenkins, right? Right around the time windows hit the scene killed it.


New Member
i kept up with letter art till version 8.0. at that point they didnt seem to want to move into the windows world. and like i say, 95% of my work was being handled with COREL 3-4. i think the name is right. i had my roland cutting frm a varity of other programs.........not sign ones only. also have a little program call ART & LETTERS EXPRESS. started with version 5 and now have 8.5 for windows 7. it can be set up just like corel to cut to a roland. i had cut with illy, but really dont like the program. and one of my all time fav programs was PRINT ARTIST.....in its early versions, all of the graphics in it if you imported them into corel were VECTORS!!!!!! and it had a hugh amount of them. for $20.00!!!!!!
corel in versions prior to 7 didnt do more then cut. 7 and up, they added the cut thur were you could do a drop shadow, and only cut the exposed shade instead of doing the whole letter in black and off setting the other over top of it.

Sign Works

New Member
So I guess there is no way to work the gx-24 with flexi sign 8

The GX-24 on Flexi 8 is not the issue. Flexi 8 on Windows 7 is your issue I believe.
Here's a screen shot of Flexi 8.1 and there is the driver for your GX-24.


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