VW6 looks great and I like it a lot, I find it very similar to Dual. Having multiple queues with different settings is pretty handy. When we're busy, I have a queue for jobs that need to go back in to cut after laminating, and a queue for smaller jobs, and maybe even a vehicle wrap queue. It's nice to set the cut pressure or the profile on them via queue instead of per job.
However, it's still got a few bugs that I run into every once in a while. It occasionally might freeze up or crash, though since they've updated it a few times it's really come along. For instance, if you're a fast clicker (you just finished your settings and you hit OK and you immediately right-click and RIP) sometimes VW6 doesn't keep up and won't RIP. To avoid it, just wait a second until the setting-loading icon beside the job disappears, and THEN hit RIP. I don't know if this is a VW problem or my computer problem, but.... just let it finish thinking before you ask it to do the next thing.
Some Avery profiles don't seem to play nice with it.
Um, we also had better luck with it directly connected via an ethernet cable and a static IP than through a router.