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Is this new............................................. ??


Premium Subscriber
So... just let the customer get the permit for one hat, then make a sign with two hats? If you aren't responsible for the permit, what does it matter?
Am I missing something here..... or is this a tongue-in-cheek ??


Master of my domain.
There's a very simple explanation for the seemingly arbitrary decisions made by Architectural Review Boards: The members are ordinary citizens who are given power when granted the position so they use that power at every opportunity they can. I would bet money that the ARB member in question couldn't care less how many sombreros or maracas are on that sign but, since she has the power to deny the permit, she is going to use it. I can remember being at an ARB meeting about 20 years ago where a homeowner was denied a permit to put a fence around his pool (which was there but fence-less when he bought the house) because one ass of a committee member didn't think the property should have a pool. Everyone there - including the other committee members - took turns telling her where she could stick her opinions about pool-worthiness and she resigned from the committee the next day.


Premium Subscriber
Well, not really. I didn't get together with anyone, other than my customer. She's paying me to make some signs and hang them. I'm no judge, jury and executioner. I could care less if she put a rat's behind on there with maracas hanging out the back. I only hafta look at it for a day or two. THEY hafta look at it the rest of the days they're in business. Unless I'm paid handsomely, I no longer go to these hen parties to make a dozen guys and gals feel good about themselves. Listen to their pathetic views and opinions about nothing..... and they don't listen to good suggestions anyway. In my county and surrounding counties, the rules are the same here. I cannot lay games and tell them the customer forgot to tell me something as the picture must be Okay-ed along with all the other information..... and that's to stop things from happening like you just mentioned. People played that game decades ago and now we all pay the price for some cunning jerks. The sign proposal must match what's on file at the municipal building with what ends up on the wall or at the top of a pole or they will come after me, for not following instructions.

My only peeve is, they don't have the right or authority to turn down designs based upon some idiot's likes or dislikes. That is wrong. I will find out who did that and it won't be long til I need to go there for my own needs and I'll wander into different peoples' offices.


Premium Subscriber
No, I value what you have to say. But ya bring up a good point...... if big brother started designing all the signs in town, I wouldn't hafta put up with so many frickin' idiots. Just one.


Premium Subscriber
Well, not really. I didn't get together with anyone, other than my customer. She's paying me to make some signs and hang them. I'm no judge, jury and executioner. I could care less if she put a rat's behind on there with maracas hanging out the back. I only hafta look at it for a day or two. THEY hafta look at it the rest of the days they're in business. Unless I'm paid handsomely, I no longer go to these hen parties to make a dozen guys and gals feel good about themselves. Listen to their pathetic views and opinions about nothing..... and they don't listen to good suggestions anyway. In my county and surrounding counties, the rules are the same here. I cannot lay games and tell them the customer forgot to tell me something as the picture must be Okay-ed along with all the other information..... and that's to stop things from happening like you just mentioned. People played that game decades ago and now we all pay the price for some cunning jerks. The sign proposal must match what's on file at the municipal building with what ends up on the wall or at the top of a pole or they will come after me, for not following instructions.

My only peeve is, they don't have the right or authority to turn down designs based upon some idiot's likes or dislikes. That is wrong. I will find out who did that and it won't be long til I need to go there for my own needs and I'll wander into different peoples' offices.

20 years ago, I met my attorney at a planning board meeting. One of the matters at hand was permitting for a new Pizza Hut. Board member did 10 minutes about how he never liked the Pizza Hut color scheme. Their attorney’s reply was great. “Plan A we break branding and change my client’s sign. Or did you plan on changing the other 7000 as well?


Active Member
What town?
For years, we've been doing designs and layouts for numerous customers. Other than in an historical district of some sort, no one ever says boo about the layouts/designs, unless they are not fit for the area. For instance, they'll say no to an adult book store sign next door to an elementary school if it has graphic pictures in the windows or on the sign. Again, size, position and type signs are about all they ever are concerned about.

Last week, a customer came in and had artwork designed by her son and it looked really good. I superimposed it onto the building and showed elevations, sizes and all the necessary information. They turned it down because someone in the office didn't like a piece of the design. The design was 2 words in the middle of the sign with a mexican sombrero and two maracas on each end. They said it can have have the picture on there twice. Now, I hadda agree, but this lady was in tears about the design her son made for her.

Since when did the codes people become Sign Nazis ??

What town?

Andy D

Active Member
Gino, did you actually talk to codes or did she?
If she talked to them & especially if English isn't her 1st language, could there have been something lost in translation?
Are there ever codes that dictate square footage of clipart to copy??


Premium Subscriber
Gino, did you actually talk to codes or did she?
If she talked to them & especially if English isn't her 1st language, could there have been something lost in translation?
Are there ever codes that dictate square footage of clipart to copy??
No, I did not talk to anyone, except the two ladies. Neither are spanish. Both are white and only speak English. I do know the one lady for about 40 years. She's a piece of work and it is difficult talking with/to her. She didn't get anything messed up, someone told her it would not pass with two hats on it. Kinda simple. Just not kosher, in my book.

As for clipart and percentages of copy and whatnot....... nothing whatsoever to that effect, either in the codes. That only pertains to size of signs to frontage and things like that or franchise branding guidelines..... not codes. However, that doesn't mean some loon is gonna interpret it differently.


Active Member
I have seen limitations on the number of words that can be seen at once.
For example; "Liquor" can only be seen once per any direction when on a building exterior

dictating the number of hats in a design....... that is a new one.

I also would like to see them provide the city codes that stipulate this.
It also sounds like a good time to go before the city council. have it on record that expansion of the city is being hindered by