This is illegal media. In order to get it to work this is basically what needs to be done.
Step1. Unzip all the files they send you. The zip filles are are spanned and that is where so many people just quit the process and loose there investment since they do not know how to work with spanned files.
Step2. Run the installer
Step3. DO NOT REGISTER hit the register button when the installer option asks you to.
Step4. Run the password tool.. Basically a crack tool for the password
Step5. Alter the /host file on the resource WIN or MAC to re-direct to localhost so the sniffer adobe had in it to go to the web and tell them who had their software will never get to them.
Step6. Replace a dll file for each adobe component that allows the product to look legit.
WALA.. It works but it 100 % illegal.