I've been holding onto this prescription now since i got it filled back in september waiting for "my quit date" (which first was my 9/2 birthday, then i wanted to take it over thanksgiving, then dec 1st, so i could possibly be smoke free for the new year, but that got bumped and I started 4 days ago taking it.... well,. I mentioned this here back in 2007 when i wanted it, so you can see, almost 6 years later, i finally committed and got the prescription.
Kinda worried about the dreams, so i've been staying up till about 2-3am.. figure if i sleep less = might have less chance of dreams.... but i have yet to get one. But i just started taking 2 pills today though, one morning and the other evening.... so we will see. Next week the pills are blue, i'm currently taking white ones... maybe those are the "dream pills".:Sleeping:
So, i was wondering if anyone else here is currently taking it? How is/was your experience? I've heard of the dreams.... I've seen the SNL Skit (which by the way delayed me from taking it another year lol, but i still find it truthfully funny) but I was wondering the success of your story if any?
Feel free to post about other helpful quitting actions that have worked for you
Kinda worried about the dreams, so i've been staying up till about 2-3am.. figure if i sleep less = might have less chance of dreams.... but i have yet to get one. But i just started taking 2 pills today though, one morning and the other evening.... so we will see. Next week the pills are blue, i'm currently taking white ones... maybe those are the "dream pills".:Sleeping:
So, i was wondering if anyone else here is currently taking it? How is/was your experience? I've heard of the dreams.... I've seen the SNL Skit (which by the way delayed me from taking it another year lol, but i still find it truthfully funny) but I was wondering the success of your story if any?
Feel free to post about other helpful quitting actions that have worked for you