Hey, DOS CadLINK!... that's what I used for quite some time and it worked great with Corel 1 and CadLINK 1.02 (if I correctly recall the sticker on it's dongle!) Did a whole lot of 22" x 23 ft decals and paint masks (airline name on jet aircraft) that paneled perfectly ...well, as long as I babysat the CAMM1 so it didn't wander off too far! Gotta love those sprocket Gerbers for that! But I had to export out of Corel as a PRN for Cadlink(SignLab?). Perhaps this is worth a go.
Just had a look and PRN is no longer a file type in the Export or Save As in Corel 12...maybe X3? I tried saving as a HPGL PLT file and then imported back in to Corel and the outline is there.