Do your homework if you really really want a router. They are not that expensive, financing is available, used ones are out there at great prices, and you can build your own.
1. For entry level routing, Shop Bots and Wart Hogs are within reach. Especially Shop Bots. And Shop Bot owners put on "camps", sort of like Letterhead meets, except they are called ShopBot Camps and everyone is welcome to come and swap ideas.
2. Big spenders can play golf with Multicam, and their entry level router for sign shops has a lot of bells and whistles not needed for smaller sign shops, that would be those not running the equipment 24/7 making trade show displays and such.
3. Then there is the Gerber Sabre, very overpriced, and out of reach for little sign shops, not that its any better or will do much more than a Shop Bot.
4. High school kids are putting CNC router kits together in their shop classes. (small table) but it can be done.
5. Ernie, now hanging round these parts, is building his own, I think. Im not that patient, don't have the time or mental discipline to do the study it takes to make it all work.
You may be closer to CNC than you think, ya never know till you try.