I have attached a picture of the test pattern from our JV3-160sp. One recent Monday morning the test pattern showed this missing block in one of the yellow patterns. Although it looks like a head strike and a possible damaged head, there is no visible sign of damage by looking at the head from underneath and we didn't have a head strike that I can recall leading up to this. We just replaced the capping station a month or so ago. I have tried a nozzle wash, head soak, medium clean, strong clean, etc. and am not getting any improvements. I hear there is a gel that you can put on the head that could be a possible last ditch effort before I shell out for a new head. Any thoughts or ideas? I have considered having an extra head on hand as an emergency backup and maybe it is time to pull the trigger on that. Any luck with sending these off to be "refurbished"? I'm running 16 pass now and not getting any noticeable banding, but that is not a long-term solution. Thanks in advance for your help!