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JV33 ink valves


New Member
I opened my ink supply valves and can not draw ink from them. Does this mean I have clogged lines to damper or do I need to do something else? I was able to draw some ink from one line and went on to next but nothing. Then went back to one that did give up some and nothing again, however I was switching the valves on and off. It's like the valve is closed but it shows an "0" as being opened. Makes no since as I am drawing off the lines.

For some reason I can't get ink to heads. Thought at one time it may be a pump or capping station. Trying to do the simple stuff first before I start sinking money into something that may not be the problem.

Thanks in advance for any advice.



New Member
Did you by chance buy this printer used and you're just setting it up?

There's not a lot of history here to go by, so if you're saying you've got the valves open and can't draw ink, then you've pretty much answered your own question.


New Member
Many thanks for the reply...

Not sure if I answered my own question or not. Fishing around to see if anyone else has experienced a similar problem. I bought the machine new several years back, kept head up, and then I went on vacation in short. When I got back 4 days later, the head was down, went through normal recovery with soaks, cleanings, etc, and had several colors not firing. This kind of told me I had a head clog, so I back flushed the head. All the time having this weird deal going on as to something not allowing the ink to travel to damper and or fill new dampers. You may have seen a few posts I've made concerning valves on other threads. I want to disconnect tubes from valves today and see if I get ink from damper. If so, then the tubes are not clogged. Again, thought I would ask before I start tearing into something. Once I open the tubes up, then I'll have air in the lines. I don't think it is clogged lines. I did check the pump and I think it is working. May need a new capping station, looks ok, not sure at this time. But with the lines having that much resistance when I try and pull ink with syringe, I am thinking it is a valve issue considering this went down so fast and now with all colors. Very strange indeed.

I have tried ink fills, discharges, etc with nothing coming through capping station. I feel sure when this is all over, I will have a very good understanding of the JV33 system.

Any help is greatly appreciated from all.




New Member
I'm by no means an expert on the JV33. But I recall that there is a way to open the ink valves via the control panel in Service Mode. I didn't understand the need for or application of opening the valves by this method when I read it. But maybe this will help.

The attached instructions were taken from a third-party ink installation guide for what it's worth.


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New Member
If you had the machine sit long enough to dry out the head then you're probably (unfortunately) on the right track. Ink may have solidified in the lines. I've never dealt with a dried out head to that degree so I have no idea how best to, or if it's even possible to, flush out the lines and remove whatever is creating the blockage.

Artbot is the man when it comes to ink chemistry. Maybe he can chime in and suggest something you could run through the lines to remove the old dried up ink. In any case I'd make sure I have some extra dampers around in case the flushing leaves some particulate behind. They'll clog pretty quick if the lines aren't cleaned out properly. You don't want any of that stuff to make it through to the head or you're looking at an even greater expense.


New Member
Thanks for the reply! ...

Was this for a JV33? Maybe I need to try this one.

There is a method for opening the JV33 valves on panel using #cartridge command. If I remember correctly, I had to cut off machine, then reboot holding down function and remote. The machine did its deal of finding parameters then to local mode. At that time I hit function button until I found maintenance, then #test, then scrolled to cartridge. There I was able to switch on and off valves and heard them do so. It displays dots and circles as open for each valve.

Now, what is strange is the resistance when I try and draw ink from damper connection. It is solid like a closed valve. No slight draw on any color line. I read in another thread about air lock and colors dropping. Kinda what I am experiencing, I think. I find it strange that the lines would clog up so bad as to not allow any draw and to do so, so fast.



New Member
It's tough to say without seeing the machine in front of me.

If you're sure the valves are opening and you can't draw ink through the lines, then logically......

If you can't draw ink through the lines that are showing up as OK on a test print, then you may not be opening the valves correctly. The ink shouldn't flow out like an opened tap but you shouldn't have to force it too much either.


New Member
If you had the machine sit long enough to dry out the head then you're probably (unfortunately) on the right track. Ink may have solidified in the lines. I've never dealt with a dried out head to that degree so I have no idea how best to, or if it's even possible to, flush out the lines and remove whatever is creating the blockage.

Artbot is the man when it comes to ink chemistry. Maybe he can chime in and suggest something you could run through the lines to remove the old dried up ink. In any case I'd make sure I have some extra dampers around in case the flushing leaves some particulate behind. They'll clog pretty quick if the lines aren't cleaned out properly. You don't want any of that stuff to make it through to the head or you're looking at an even greater expense.

Thanks for the reply...

I may need to just cut to the chase and disconnet the lines form the valves and dampers and try a syringe draw then. That will tell me if they are clogged or not.

Oh, I am fighting to keep the head up with soaking. That flush/back flush allowed me to get cleaning fluid through the head so I know it is not completely dried up. I understand that it is a fine screen in the manifold to catch fine debri that makes it through the dampers. I feel that once I get the flow again, I can deal with the head in place at that. Then again, maybe wishful thinking. LOL.



New Member
It's tough to say without seeing the machine in front of me.

If you're sure the valves are opening and you can't draw ink through the lines, then logically......

If you can't draw ink through the lines that are showing up as OK on a test print, then you may not be opening the valves correctly. The ink shouldn't flow out like an opened tap but you shouldn't have to force it too much either.

So true. This is what has me so confused. At present, I have no test print and have several dampers that will not fill.


Thats how I've done it. Actually pretty easy once you pull the cover off the back of the cartrige area. If you can pull ink to the dampers with the valved manually taped then your problem is either

head manifold is clogged
head itself is clogged
capping station is not sealing
clog between the capping station and pump
clog within the pumps
clog in the waste tubes after the pump
bad pump

Since it was okay before your trip and it did not really sit that long I'd venture to guess your head, manifold, dampers, are all fine. Your capping station top "might" need replacing - especially if it has never been replaced. I'd get one of those and replace it if the current one is over about a year old. Next places to check are from the cap top to the pump and after the pump to make sure the lines in those 2 spots are not blocked.

Personally - my next step woudl be to try drawing through the head and capping station with the valves taped open. On the JV33 there are 2 small tubes fromt he capping top - those go to a small H adapter to the larger 2 tubes going into the pump. On the larger tube after the H - you can clamp one side off, and draw with a syringe from the other side to pull ink through the head itself. When powered off and doing this you also need to make sure the head is fully to the right on the capping station. You will probably need at least a few inches of scrap tube so you dont have to cut and/or splice the tube to the pump.

Pretty simple to get to once your remove the cover over the capping area. Photo of the area I'm talking about....

You may have just lost the prime and airlocked the head. If you can pull ink through the head this way you might be back up and running. Do be CAREFUL though - pull the ink very SLOWLY - you can damage the head if you try to pull it too hard.

Update: Lines are not clogged. Drew ink from all lines via taping the valves shut and printer off.


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New Member
Many Thanks! This is very good info and where I have been heading since I found that I can draw ink. Still confused about those valves not opening. Hummm... I believe that in most cases with these printers, we must replace capping station once a year weather it needs it or not. It seams most hear are running small runs of vinyl and sealing issues could be the cause of many of our discussions about ink and heads. Once again, thanks.

