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Knowledgeable, Experienced and Professional Sign Veteran Seeking Remote Work

Johnny Best

Active Member
I understand more than you realize. Your retired, and sad. You didn't save enough to actually retire, you need to feel needed, and you need money. You're so bored, you joined this forum for the sole purpose of picking fights and spewing insults.
You think he is retired because he lives in Pensacola and he uses the BX, commissary and hospital on base.
I just think the guy is trying to expand himself with new clients like he said but also does not mind a good bar fight.


I'm here for Educational Purposes
So he goes to the commissary after getting an ass whooping when he leaves his house (why he needs to work from home) and now he goes online to start bar fights and beat his chest, to attract potential employment.


I'm here for Educational Purposes
I don't think it's got an actual business, it's just seeking work as a remote employee, posted under "employment wanted".

Johnny Best

Active Member
I have noticed ithat people who think they are good designers have anger problems towards other artistic people for questioning them. ‘Question me. How dare you!, you do not understand me, I am Yourgas.


I'm here for Educational Purposes
I have noticed ithat people who think they are good designers have anger problems towards other artistic people for questioning them. ‘Question me. How dare you!, you do not understand me, I am Yourgas.
But no one is talking about design... Did I miss that? I thought it was selling us on it's people skills and networking abilities.

Edit to add, most artists are lovers, not fighters. Unless they are annoyed by some tweaker in the park whose getting in their face. Then they throw down.


I'm here for Educational Purposes
Dear diary, I choose to jump into online conversations for all the wrong reasons - namely to start s**t, trouble and fights, And when I get dressed down and intellectually humiliated in front of my peers and buddies, things can get a bit out of hand. Lesson to be learned for all watching; when I choose to insert myself into any online conversation, make damn sure i understand and comprehend the context of the post and subject. Otherwise, I expose my ignorance. I'm not done....
GimmeLiberty , I corrected this post for you



Active Member
My neighbors hate me anyway and we don't exchange phone numbers. Mute point. People choose to jump into online conversations for all the wrong reasons - namely to start s**t, trouble and fights, And when they get dressed down and intellectually humiliated in front of their peers and buddies, things can get a bit out of hand. Lesson to be learned for all watching; when you choose to insert yourself into any online conversation, make damn sure you understand and comprehend the context of the post and subject. Otherwise, you expose your ignorance. I'm done. Everyone please go and have a six-pack of cheap beer, Boone's Farm or Old Granddad and a mouthful of chewing tobacco. I would expect nothing less.

Ok, there's a line and you crossed it, mister.

Old Gran-Dad may be bottom shelf but it's excellent for the price and favorably regarded among those in the know. OGD Bonded and 114 even more so.

Now go sit in the corner and you think long and hard about what you've said. When you come back, I expect an apology.


I think it was the somewhat arrogant and condescending tone to start things off as if you know better than anyone here. "Get used to it"

The thing is, most on here are smaller shops and wholesalers. As such there are few on here who would likely desire a "remote worker" as most are very much hands on smaller shops. Sure some of us outsource some things to wholesalers or some artwork here and there but I think most on here are very much hands on and do most things in house. The huge firms are for the most part not on here and those are who I think are likely be more receptive. Big firms doing multi-state and massive multi-million dollar projects are probably more amicable to the remote worker mindset.

For most of us smaller companies, we are not, and will not, "get used to it". I meet our clients who range from small mom and pop businesses to major military installations to large state agencies to large corporate meetings with a dozen plus people present. Some of the projects take a 20+ page response for a RFP. Being local, hands on, available in person, knowing the local regulations, employing from the local community, are things that get us projects and repeat work. So I think for most smaller companies that are very much service and hands on product oriented such as ours, remote workers is just an impractical and implausible idea, we are already used to it.

Then when a couple respond to the condescending start in kind, you get all defensive and combative.....


Premium Subscriber
Well, while I'm still neutral in the silly thread,,,,,,. gl, if you wanna continuing this childish approach, then proceed by the rules of this place you now think is backwards. Join the site professionally and sport your wares appropriately under the proper membership. Nothing worse then a chest puffing nobody. Flapping your gums and fighting gets you nowhere.

Stacey K

I like making signs
IDK - I worked in a marketing department that had onsite staff of 40 just in one division, 20 in another and 50 in various states. I was involved in the resume and hiring process with several new employees. His resume (I'm guessing not as in-your-face as the tone here) would have gotten serious attention. However, once to the interview stage if the tone was similar to this post, he would likely be removed from consideration. IF he made it past that he would surely be eliminated as they rarely hired an A-type person. The culture they wanted was young, hip and new ideas - they wanted millennials. They moved away from Type A "older, stuffy. hard working, on-time, people". I am an A-type and it was very hard to work with all the B-types.

There are still companies that are run by older folks that are looking for this "old school" personality. However, I think a lot of companies are moving towards younger more woke, inclusive workplaces. Alolphos Busch would have probably hired this guy but Alissa Heinershied - probably not. IMO


Arial - it's almost helvetica
IDK - I worked in a marketing department that had onsite staff of 40 just in one division, 20 in another and 50 in various states. I was involved in the resume and hiring process with several new employees. His resume (I'm guessing not as in-your-face as the tone here) would have gotten serious attention. However, once to the interview stage if the tone was similar to this post, he would likely be removed from consideration. IF he made it past that he would surely be eliminated as they rarely hired an A-type person. The culture they wanted was young, hip and new ideas - they wanted millennials. They moved away from Type A "older, stuffy. hard working, on-time, people". I am an A-type and it was very hard to work with all the B-types.

There are still companies that are run by older folks that are looking for this "old school" personality. However, I think a lot of companies are moving towards younger more woke, inclusive workplaces. Alolphos Busch would have probably hired this guy but Alissa Heinershied - probably not. IMO
The stubbornness of the Type A crowd overshadows their hard work and punctuality. There's nothing worse than a hard headed know it all employee that resists following the way that the business operates. From my own experience, these types work hard but are often times not all that productive. They will take the long way though every project and will never change since they feel that hard work equates to good work. The smart lazy ones will figure out ways to get the job done faster and at a passable level so they can slack off after. As long as you micro manage them, you can keep the slack to a minimum and they will really pump out some work. You do have to weed through more of them to get to the right one though.


New Member
I don't have a horse in this race, But i believe the OP was looking for gig work designing , selling, or possibly the logistic end of sign making. Which i think is fine and probably a needed resource for some. Myself included. I sub out all of our design work.. That said... The OP..because of his attitude..Would not be someone i would want to do business with. . A couple days ago I was in a local Dunkin Donuts .. It was late afternoon and i was the only customer in the store, There was a late teens kid behind the counter. Every 3rd word was f**k this F**k that etc. Made me want to leave and go somewhere else.


Arial - it's almost helvetica
I've always liked curse words. They have a good place when used right. I've always felt that the ones who avoid using them are kinda weird.


I'm here for Educational Purposes
I've always liked curse words. They have a good place when used right. I've always felt that the ones who avoid using them are kinda weird.
That's why you are a tarter saucing barnacle Head.
Oh tarter sauce, sorry for the swearing.