New Member
Hi L25500 users,
I recently attended a HP demonstration of their latex printer. The demonstration was held in a room a bit larger than my vinyl cutting and printing clean room. Although there was not an ink odor in the room, there was the headache producing smell of burnt vinyl . The operator was printing on HP cast vinyl. If one were to print on scrim would the odor become even stronger?
My question is ….
Does one just get used to the smell, and or is it a problem?
Are others venting this printer as well?
In all fairness the printer remained heated for the entire demonstration so if one were to print and then shut the printer off I suspect burnt vinyl fumes could be kept to a minimum.
One other item I found troubling was the price of the service contract after the warranty is up.
$200 or better a month for a unit that you are already replacing printheads and capping stations seems high to me. What parts are failing after a year that would run over $2400 for the repair each year?
For my needs this printer does come close but, what would really sell me would be a C,M,Y K unit with the capacity for spot colors like orange and white. My old Summa DC1 is pretty much tired out and it would sure be nice not to have to frustrate myself when I have special needs for colors that the “NEW” printer does not produce.
Like others have said … Maybe it is best to wait for generation 2. It just seems that if there is a need for more features, someone is going to incorporate them sooner than one thinks.

I recently attended a HP demonstration of their latex printer. The demonstration was held in a room a bit larger than my vinyl cutting and printing clean room. Although there was not an ink odor in the room, there was the headache producing smell of burnt vinyl . The operator was printing on HP cast vinyl. If one were to print on scrim would the odor become even stronger?
My question is ….
Does one just get used to the smell, and or is it a problem?
Are others venting this printer as well?
In all fairness the printer remained heated for the entire demonstration so if one were to print and then shut the printer off I suspect burnt vinyl fumes could be kept to a minimum.
One other item I found troubling was the price of the service contract after the warranty is up.
$200 or better a month for a unit that you are already replacing printheads and capping stations seems high to me. What parts are failing after a year that would run over $2400 for the repair each year?
For my needs this printer does come close but, what would really sell me would be a C,M,Y K unit with the capacity for spot colors like orange and white. My old Summa DC1 is pretty much tired out and it would sure be nice not to have to frustrate myself when I have special needs for colors that the “NEW” printer does not produce.
Like others have said … Maybe it is best to wait for generation 2. It just seems that if there is a need for more features, someone is going to incorporate them sooner than one thinks.