The computer with the problem is a 3-4yr old Dell Inspiron 6000 with I believe a 60g but maybe an 80g hard drive. My problem is that it seems the drive is not spinning up and I can't even get into the control panel, I can't get online with it and it won't even open the c: drive. If I put a USB flash drive on it, it will open it but I can't move anything to it. I was able to move some stuff off of it this morning but it seems to not want to allow me to work on it at all. Tried clicking on the icon for internet explorer and nothing happens. What can I do to get the rest of the folders off as I still have a few that need to be moved. It is not on a network. I would like to try a reboot but am afraid that if I try this it will not boot at all, if this happens is it still possible to pull files off the drive and if so with what software!