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Legal issues with using Pro sports team logo for wrap?


New Member
I have a few customers who are interested in wrapping their vehicles with Chicago Blackhawks and Chicago Bears logos. (This goes against my morals as a Wisconsin native, and sports fan. But, I'll just charge them double)

Is there a legal way of using team logos / designs ?

Or do I need to put a horse head in Roger Goodell's bed until he says I can use it?

Thanks Team!

(P.S. - I do draw the line when it comes to the Cubs)


  • cubs1.jpg
    61.6 KB · Views: 180

Christian @ 2CT Media

Active Member
You could apply to join the NFL supply network, hope you have deep pockets and don't value your soul much. We had a client who was applying for a product they wanted to sell branded with NFL likenesses, they want a $50,000 yearly use fee and 10% of product sales.


New Member

You could apply to join the NFL supply network, hope you have deep pockets and don't value your soul much. We had a client who was applying for a product they wanted to sell branded with NFL likenesses, they want a $50,000 yearly use fee and 10% of product sales.

AHHHHH!!! The joys (?) of product licensing. Just think what would happen if the customer wanted to use the "...likeness of a personality..." without permission. :omg:


New Member
no you can't use their logos for a number of reasons. one being they want to have a say in how they are used and that makes perfect sense.


Active Member
In a word, nope.

My wife had an interesting talk with the marketing lawyer of the NBA not long ago. Client in LA wanted to do the whole March Madness thing. Wasn't gonna happen.

Wife said he was very cordial and upfront with all the whys and what fors.


New Member
Generally speaking, you will have to pay initial licensing fees along with royalties. Checkout LogosOnDemand, CLC, SMA and LRG licensing groups and you can find out what it costs to get a license. The licenses are not for general use, but specific product categories; if the NFL already has a few manufacturers fulfilling a product category's needs, they are unlikely to add more manufacturers to that category.
Typically, each design has to be approved by the particular institution's licensing dept... that can take an hour, or a month! I'm not sure what the consequences of using unlicensed art actually are; cease and desist, fines... There certainly are quite a few prints out there that are definitely not legitimate, but they are still getting produced and sold.
Rather than pay the entire fee and royalties, you could search for a licensed manufacturer and have them make the print for you.

Good Luck!


New Member
...orrrrr you could just do it and risk it. haha There was a tow truck around these parts covered in batman & joker artwork from the movie posters. I know the guy who did it. Wasn't legal but nothing ever happened. I guess it depends if you're a gambling man or not?


New Member
I wouldn't be too concerned about it. It's not legal but, I don't think the NFL or NHL will come after you for making one or two cars with an unlicensed wrap on it.

People make unlicensed decals all the time.

I wouldn't put your logo anywhere on the vehicles or post photos of them online or anything.
Legally nope and I agree the chances of getting fined are slim but there is always that chance.

I'm not always a stickler about rules but when it's something that a lot of eyes are going to see I tend to pass if I don't have the proper licensing, you never who's going to notice it and the profit doesn't outweigh the potential cost to my business if there are legal issues later on.

However that being said the guy down the street will probably print it no questions asked.



New Member
10% royalty is nothing compared to the "boatload" of money you can make....Margins is some products is 60% to 90%.....Look at the price on NFL anything and compare it to a "nothing" anything at Walmart and you will see what I mean....