We only had 2 reservoirs available so I replaced the Cyan and Magenta but was forced to reuse old connectors. It is still giving me the same issue after swapping them out. Cyan prints well for approximately 5 inches before banding. It seems like the printhead is either clogging or the ink is not being supplied after the reservoir empties. I am guessing that the reservoir should have enough ink to print a full
Do you have a suggestion for where to get leur locks and connectors that are compatible with an Arizona reservoirs? I could only find the Canon kit with 5-6 connectors of each kind and some tubing.
It looked like your Yellow reservoir was leaking from the side. Even though that particular printhead wasn't giving you the problem, the pressure in the line is shared and may manifest elsewhere, such as Magenta and Cyan printhead.
It would be coincidental if both Magenta and Cyan, at the same time, had supply/clogging issues. The reservoirs are filled before you are allowed to print and they contain enough ink to do a full printout. A supply issue would show itself after printing if it takes a long time to refill reservoir. And in that case you'd be looking primarily at ink pump and ink filter.
As for connectors, I just harvested some extras from replaced part and received some extras from my tech. If any connector isn't tightening down due to worn threading it will almost certainly leak.
How often does your meniscus vacuum run? If often, it would suggest a vacuum leak.