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Lobster Cheaper Than Deli Meat


New Member
Mmm pass the lemon. (I don't like butter on lobsta)
And yes the cheapest meat at my "real job" deli is $4.00/lb.


New Member
i remember when i lived in caribou, maine, (1969-1973)a guy used to drive up from bar harbor on fridays, every week, with a pickup truck with barrels in the bed....FULL OF FRESH LOBSTER!!!! he would park at the only red light in town, and sell everything he had within a couple hours. you gona love this,..........he sold a 8-14" lobster for ONE DOLLAR EACH!!!!!!!
for $4 you got 4 LOBSTERS!!!!!!


New Member
...and gas was only $0.35....and milk $1.10...and stamps were $0.06....and household income 8,500.....and..... :)


New Member
Not if you live in the midwest....

Just got back from our only seafood restaurant "Red Lobster" and a lobster was still 27.99.

Wife got 1/2 Salmon, I got Great Lakes White Fish (wasn't that great) 2 sodas and the bill was just about $54 with tip.

Someone should open up a restaurant with an attached airstrip here and one in Main. Then fly Lobsters & Fish one way and Cheese & Meats the other.