ok took away the gradient. lol
Looks like a river or path going up a mountain. What's that got to do with roofing ??
Made it like smoke, due to them doing chimney sweeping.
Did you order Dan Antonelli's Logo Design books yet? If not go ahead. They are only $50 for the two shipped from Amazon and they will help you alot! I have had them maybe for exactly 1 week today and already have done 3 logos for customers.
From what i see, Without reading these books you will continue to do what i was doing for years and that was trying to understand logo design on your own. The majority cannot do that and these books truly help.
You have the main and sub copy in your logo. The main looks to be NEW FINISH and the sub seems to be what the business does. I think the subcopy needs to be more bold and stand out more and more basic. Too many listings going on for a logo.
You can tell more of what the business does with a basic 1-3 color graphic icon on the left side.....Listen to me talk lol
maybe you could use some subtle corregated texture references & add some perspective to those lines, for interest?