Why do people without a frikkin clue, or the time to read for comprehension, always have the time to rattle off the full extent of legal wisdom they have gathered over the years without clue or comprehension??
Why do people without a frikkin clue, or the time to read for comprehension, always have the time to rattle off the full extent of legal wisdom they have gathered over the years without clue or comprehension??
John, you have clearly handled your business correctly, and will continue to be doing so when you approach the deadbeat! (& not so much when you get that eBay solution handled, but we wants pics of thatlol )
Why do people ...always have the time to rattle off the full extent of legal wisdom ...
nope... not at all... just ranting about John writing "today" and everyone (not you) thinking "10 years ago"I hope this was not directed toward me.
...ten years have passed and you haven't done anything....
...a lot of time has passed though too...
Has the sign with the unauthorized logo been up for nearly ten years, or was it just recently put up? Seems like it might make a difference...
I think you should let it go. 10 years would be beyond the statute of limitations of a contract anyway.
I did some business cards for a guy here about ten years ago....
...Fast forward to today. Drove by his shop, up on the front was a new sign with the logo bigger than life on it.
if you want to enforce your rights you have to affirm them first. otherwise it is a waste of time.
Since he was asked if he wanted to buy the design, and did not. He is aware
that it does not belong to him. Give him a call, or send him a bill, or both.
I would not bother with a lawyer, but I'd make him aware that if he uses the
design for anything else, he could be facing litigation.
allegedly, the artist doesn't need the contract to retain copyrights, (although it's good to keep the peace with the client & ensure that he knows the rules) it's the client who needs to get the contract to have copyrights transferred to him... maybe that contract is subject to a statute of limitations... but I've never heard of artists rights to their own creations being lost to the passage of time.. or even death... but of course i ain't a lawyer either![]()
WildWest, you are talking about squatter's rights. I had some hunters that leased the ground next to me and the put a trailer on MY property and claimed squater's rights.
Either way, these guys from the big City come to hunt, pay lots of money, and I make sure they do not get anything!!! But they claim to have rights, well go back to Omaha is what i tell them!!!
If you've been trying to sell it to him all this time I'd call him, find out who did the sign, then send the other shop and him an invoice for the artwork.
You are out of luck. You should have just included it in the first thing you
did for him. I was on the other end, I made a sign for a customer using a design they had on a van. The original sign shop tryed to take them to small claims court for stealing the design, the judge dismissed the case saying they paid for the lettering so
the logo was theirs to use as they wished.