studs can be attached many ways, drill&tap/drill&epoxy/stud weld. we do it all, depending on the situation or if stand-off is desired.
Grew up in the biz marking targets on a pattern by hand, transferring to backside of letter, & drill-pressing but now our stud targets are manually-placed in the layout/design software & CNC'd, so that we can also penplot it in the mounting pattern.
If the project requires duplicated letters, then I'll make a key set and copy/paste the letters with targets to the whole, so that I don't have to keep track of multiple versions of identical letters.
in terms of automation, good luck. Infinite possibilities between scales/fonts/materials/mounting-style BUT i've "cheated" before by inlining letters and applying copies of stud targets to a path, My Enroute software allows for optional quantities/spacing/offset% BUT you still have to manually select/move/edit/delete to your liking....