the post should just have been deleted to protect your merchant members who pay money to get this type of requests. As it stands now anyone reading this can bid on the job.
delete the post, send the offender a "please use the merchant member directory PM"
Signs 101 has always been dedicated to freedom of speech and doesn't engage in censorship except as a last resort. By suggesting a better road to travel, the OP and anyone else reading this thread is free to make their own choices. If the OP wants to get his work done by someone who is an unknown quantity, not known by anyone as a reliable outsource, that is his or her call ... regardless of how little sense that may make.
The greater likelihood is that the OP simply has not visited the Merchant Directory, along with hundreds of other members and visitors. By taking this opportunity to point out the value of the MM Directory, I believe I will be doing everyone a greater good than following your approach.
But thanks for the advice Dave.