Xylene and/or Rapid Remover here as well. It all depends on the size of the job, what i have on hand, and if the space is well ventilated... If I am installing graphics after removal I typically use a 3 step method to make sure there isn't any residue left and it varies. Xylene/Xylol and Rapid Remover leave an oily residue and dissolved adhesives behind. The intermediary step removes most of the oils and the last alcohol step makes sure the surface is perfectly clean.
Not dirty;
Rapid remover, prepsol, alcohol.
Rapid remover, alcohol, alcohol.
Xylene, prepsol, alcohol.
Xylene, Acetone, alcohol.
Xylene, alcohol, alcohol.
Dirty or bugs;
Rapid remover, soap and water, alcohol.
Xylene, prepsol, alcohol.
Xylene, soap and water, alcohol.
You can remove adhesive with Acetone in a pinch but it doesn't do as good of a job because it dries way to fast. I typically only use it when there was a lot of adhesive and I am worried that there is thin layer of residue left.
Soap and water will remove bugs and dirt 10x faster than the solvents.