Have SEVERAL jobs coming up all over Georgia. Looking for some local installers. The work will all be inside, need to be clean cut, and well versed in painted block, painted walls, painted sheetrock and window perf with occasional banners and stud mounted plexi. Looking for solid installers to assemble a team. Must be willing to travel some and have essentials like squeegees, knives, body panel tools screwdrivers, drills, tape measures, small ladders, and heat guns & torch. Will travel out there to provide a simple test on our first job. These opportunites are state by state and will be volume work. Typically this work consists of 1-3 days per job. I will give some average job sizes and $ as we get PO's cut. Looking for those interested that can send resume and work portfolio at this point so we can initiate discussions. 99% of all work indoors in climate controlled conditions, yet some jobs will be after hours. please send your info....