Admin please move if this is not in the right forum.
I am looking for a photoshop designer that can take a hand drawn pencil sketch and recreate it in photoshop with color etc. The client found this picture online and likes it. Obviously just a tiny picture of a pencil sketch will not work for this, especially for wide format printing. The picture is straight from google. Anyone want to give me a idea on price and tackle it? Redrawing this is beyond my ability and time right now. Pic attached, it has all the elements the client is looking for.
I am looking for a photoshop designer that can take a hand drawn pencil sketch and recreate it in photoshop with color etc. The client found this picture online and likes it. Obviously just a tiny picture of a pencil sketch will not work for this, especially for wide format printing. The picture is straight from google. Anyone want to give me a idea on price and tackle it? Redrawing this is beyond my ability and time right now. Pic attached, it has all the elements the client is looking for.