I did something similar in Fall. It was a PITA. I did a center hinge on top a ridge then used my 4' big squeegee in and out of the ridges. That part wasn't too bad it was going back and getting all the bubbles out that was the major pain because you had to catch the light from multiple directions - laugh now but you will see what I mean. The BS kept the vinyl square and not stretched. I don't think it would have worked with a regular squeegee. One little stretch and it would have screwed the whole panel up. The biggest thing was holding the BS firm and level as I went over the ridges. When you get to the ridge, you are pressing firm and it wants to slip over the top. You don't want a tunnel on the backside of the ridge so one must go slow. This is a job you need your hand/eye coordination for so limit distractions. the printed panel was 1000% easier than the individual letters - those were a NIGHTMARE.
Next I had to heat with the heat gun all the valleys and go over them with a felted squeegee. This was extremely lame, no fun at all.
I feel like your valleys are too pointy for the Big Squeegee. You might have to make your own squeegee that has a pointier edge, do you see what I'm saying? Allow 3-4x more time than if you were just applying to a wall. That 4' circle probably took me an hour. It's like 5 minutes if on a regular wall.
The days I did this it was 90+ degrees, no air and most of these were 10'+ in the air. I was 100% wet from sweat and could have rang out my bra and underware. I will never do this again. If it was temperature controlled, I would consider it.