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Lx850 users


New Member
How are your printers behaving? Do you recommend them? I been giving my L26500 and L25500 to much work and I don't think they will hold like that for long. I need to upgrade.

One question,,,, I print many backlights and its always difficult on economic backlight to throw enough ink to make it look good and have it dry. The HP salesman tells me the LX850 dries way better than my L's, that you get less bleeding with the same materials. Is that really true? Anyone that did the upgrade and notice a difference on same media?


New Member
We have had our 850 for almost 2 years. I will not tell you it's a perfect machine. When it works, it's great but when it's being fussy, it sure can be a pain. It likes to run and not sit for any period of time. We use to print our backlits on HP backlit film, the film runs at 250% ink density, your not going to get around that if you like a good looking print. They do dry well, I've only noticed some ink carrier that didn't evaporate twice. It was in areas of process black.


New Member
Our LX 800, with the 610 inks (which is equivalent to the 850) has treated us well for the past three years. No real issues, and we've put almost 400,000 square feet through it. We're upgrading to the Latex 3000 in August. If you're interested in a great machine at a great price we'll have our LX800 available for purchase then.
We have a love / hate relationship with our LX 850's but at the end of the day the attached says it all.


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New Member
new 850

Well a half price LX850 its on the way. It was a demo with only 60,000 squarefeet of use. A long way to go to catch merritt printers.:smile:

This printer together with a esko table cutter with conveyor are the most important investments the company has made. Its gonna make a good addition to our Durst Lambda printer, L25500 and L26500.

Very excited, a bit scared but it was a necessary step!

Wish you all the best of luck!!!


New Member
Well our printer is here and on perfect timing for a big job.

Would like to know how you guys load your printer when printing dual rolls. Do you use the dual role pole on both sides, one side dual and other side regular pole or do you just use the regular pole on both sides and aline very well?

Man those poles are heavy,,, any tips or tricks to load those heavy poles on the printer?

Any other advice to make the learning curve easier?


New Member
We have had our for a little over a year and have about 319,000 square feet. We have had minor problems, but really nothing to complain about. I guess I biggest complaint is have HP to diagnose the problem. There have been several times we would call tech support and they would recommend something and it wouldn't work. Then we would call an outside tech we know and they would tell us something all together different. Usually the outside tech would be right.


Merchant Member

Get a motorcycle/atv jack....like a small scissor lift. We use it for really heavy rolls for loading and unloading. It works great....good height and all. We've had ours for over a year now with good results. Cant use cheap material on the latex...thats pretty much a no go..unless you can test on your own and find a good fit. The ink is finicky and the worst results are the Reds. If the material isnt good...Red will "fall off the hill".


New Member
Ink consumption information

Hi guys, thanks for the answers.

Another question, do you find the ink consumption information in the printer accurate? I been printing backlights 250%, and using about 14-15 ml per square meter, which it is about half compered with the smaller L26500 printers in files with similar ink coverage. the prints are coming out great and more saturated than in the smaller printers, so using half the ink has me questioning its accuracy.


New Member
Hello guys, just want to update.

6 months later, over 300,000 sqf later I can say I'm really happy with this printer.

we been printing hard and most time day and night without problems. We actually leave the linter at night printing unattended without an issue. We are printing film so head strikes are not an issue.

we had 1 issue with a ink leak that was fixed very easy and fast.