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Magnetic Panels


New Member
So we're trying to do a job for the city. They want their message board to be magnetic instead of cork board, and they want it to look like stainless steel. Now, I don't believe that the way my boss is wanting me to do this will work. His plan is to take our magnet roll and cut pieces to then glue onto coroplast, then sheet with brushed steel vinyl and then apply their design.
What would you guys do in this case? Cost effective is key.


New Member
I smell money here. Let me see..
Come up with some bizarre concoction of a sign that is different from the norm and no one has ever seen before.
Cha ching.


Active Member
I'd start with real magnetic board and print the the overlay with steel finish and graphics. There's probably a brush stainless fill out there that would work. Every layer of vinyl reduces the magnetic pull


I'm here for Educational Purposes
So we're trying to do a job for the city. They want their message board to be magnetic instead of cork board, and they want it to look like stainless steel. Now, I don't believe that the way my boss is wanting me to do this will work. His plan is to take our magnet roll and cut pieces to then glue onto coroplast, then sheet with brushed steel vinyl and then apply their design.
What would you guys do in this case? Cost effective is key.
Why can't you just use a sheet of stainless steel?


I'm here for Educational Purposes
You must have never seen Back to the Future movies. They used the DeLorean
because it was made with stainless steel so it would have temporal displacement so it could time travel.
I saw them, but didn't catch that part.
I don't know anything... I should just keep my dumb questions to myself
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Active Member
Bingo! In fact, most stainless steel appliances are just skinned in stainless foil, with a base steel under.

HOLY SH*T! Good to know. Can you route almost like regular acm, or is there enough steel in it to impact cutter performance?
It cuts just the same as the aluminum stuff, the steel is so thin it makes no difference