if I were stuck on a deserted island, and the only way for me to find rescue were to McGuyver a wrap lamination with nothing but vinyl application tools then I would have two ideas:
option A) tape tile to the rock suitable as a worktable (can't get sand in your lamination, duh), and then tape-hinge the laminate to print & apply ever so-gently. Only removing a little backing at a time as to avoid dipping slack onto the print. Of course, there would be massive silvering due to inconsistencies in direction/pressure of application BUT I'm pretty sure it come-out during the wrap as the combination of stretching/squeeging & the heat from the island sun usually cures these things. pop bubbles in the laminate later once applied, as to not chance piercing the vinyl prior to wrapping contours.
option B) to avoid bubbles altogether, there's always the wet apply method. First one must apply/transfer the paper-backed tile of wrap vinyl to a plastic liner. Luckily everyone always keep scrap from a previous deserted-island wrap lamination around, for these situations, because paper backing from most wrap vinyls does not like getting wet! Next combine 9 parts water with 1 part coconut juice & 1 part sweat to make a solution, and wet apply laminate to print. EZPZ.
luckily, we're not on a desert island. ...and even McGuyver would tell you to just go buy a Laminator.