That looks like it. Do you have a source for that material you could send me?
Thanks for all the replies.
It comes right from the factory. When we bought it, Mitsibishi was the seller. It's really expensive stuff and expensive to ship as well. The sheets are huge. I said 5', but they might even be 6' tall sheets about 15' long. I don't know the exact dimensions, but I know it was the biggest sheet we ever bought. The shipping alone was $600 for 1 sheet so we opted to take a trailer to the plant about 80 miles away and pick it up.
Search for Alpolic composite sheet and you should find it. They have some amazing panels that look incredible. Some look like real wood. I don't know if it's true, but I was told the finish is actually paint, which is why it holds up so well. I just know someone drove a car into a sign that had been up close to 20 years and we were asked to repair the sign. We made a new panel for it and installed it. It butted up against the panels that has been there for 20 years and you couldn't tell the difference. That panel has been in direct sunlight for 20 years. It's really a super amazing product and I've never seen anything else like it.
Once you find them, you can request swatches for various colors and they'll send them out.
Found the link, here's the link to the stone finishes :