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Mask for Air Release Film 3M IJ180mC-10LSE

Chuck Taylor

New Member
Does anyone know if we still need to use a special mask for this air-release film.

We recently watched (an old YouTube video) that indicates there could be issues :(

One supplier has indicated...
... from my experience, you can use something called AirMask 510U Clear Premask for Air Egress Liners however, its not essential, I have many customers that just use a med tack premask for films such as the IJ180MC-10LSE

However, I'm wondering what anyone else's experience (in the field) has been.

Thanks in advance for your feedback today!


New Member
510U works very well for air-release films, definitely don't use it with non-air-release however, unless you want to get rid of a customer.


New Member
It's probably fine with small pieces or one-offs, but on large pieces, it will separate the silicon layer from the paper underneath it anywhere the backer has been stressed in the slightest.
But it works very well with air egress films, which is what it was designed for.