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master xy serial to usb port or install serial card?


New Member
Master xy 380

Hi anyone
I am wanting to get my master vinyl cutter working again and hope you can help me.

I have a master xy380 and was running winpc letter 12.0 running with xp.
I now have a hp pavillion slimline s5 1224 windows 7 64 bit (no serial port) which does not work with winpc letter 12.0
Or can I put a serial port in my slimline?

thinking of buying winpcsign basic 2009 http://www.ebay.com/itm/Sign-making...499042?hash=item23349c12e2:g:B0EAAOxy2YtRujIl

that needs no internet connection to cut.
can you please give me your best path of getting it working again?

I have called desay,they seem busy& want me to buy new stuff

I am in Minnesota(central) and drive from 7 am to 8 and from evening 430- 5 30 pm
feel free to call me with your resolution or if you have more questions.
or repond e mail thimmesch1@msn.com or text 763-398-9751

or other options I thought of was ...build an xp machine? depending on online requirements
or use winpc letter 12.0 with windows7 and a serial to usb adapter?


New Member
what about the no serial port issue?
is there a certain adaper i have to buy or can i use any serial to usb adapter?


New Member
you can try one of these.



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