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Merging businesses?



We haven't had the meeting yet, that's Monday and that's when we will talk more in depth over lunch.

Just wanted to see what everyone thought, I am thinking i would keep my business name, and go halfs on a building so both businesses are seperate in the building.

I will keep everyone updated.


Active Member
from my law classes, everything and I MEAN EVERYTHING must be in writing and a lawyer goes through with a fine tooth comb.

That right there.

My dad was a contract lawyer (and tax) for over 35 yrs and partnerships more often then not (at least 51% of the time) don't work out well in some shape, form or fashion.

Make sure everything is spelled out as to who does what, who has the final say and what happens when everything is going to be split up.

I personally wouldn't do a partnership at all, but that's me. I have heard personally of far more that have gone bad then that have worked. Whatever you do, don't go into it without things spelled out and spelled out to the point that there is no question what each individual part means for each member of the partnership. Also, going into an LLP would be a good thing as well, but need to check on your jurisdiction to see if that can be down in your area. Not all areas recognize them and if they do, not in all industries. Accountants is one example that I can think of where some areas still want them to be formed in a general partnership.


New Member
Sounds like he wants cheap signs is all. and fast turn around. You know when sylvester looks at tweety and sees seasoned chicken? mmmmmm i tawt i taw a putty tat!


New Member
I was approached by a guy and his wife and offered to become my partners. They had a single head embroidery machine, a heat press, cheap desktop printers, printshop pro software and a screen printing "kit" set up they didn't know how to use. I have a solvent printer, Epson 24" pigment printer , two vinyl cutters software and a 5' x 10' CNC router...ect. They wanted to set up in my commercial location with and "offered" me 1/3 rd in the business. They are still doing crappy work and don't care.
Find a location and do it yourself.