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Mimaki Black Fades Turning Purple. help!


New Member
We are using a Mimaki jv3-160SP and using Flexisign pro as the print program. Everytime we print out something with a black fade made with flexi it has a purple tint to it. we have no idea if its the setting in flexi or the printer or what. please help :banghead:


New Member
Thank you for the response, is there a suggested setting you can recommend? or do we just have to tinker with it and do some tests until we can figure it out?


New Member
The easiest thing maybe to take out some cyan when you rip it. The hardest and best thing would be to make a profile for you printer and media that has the proper initial settings. This is a long drawn out process if you don't know what you are doing. You may want to talk to your supplier and see if they have a tech that can come out and help you.