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Mimaki CG-130FX carriage belt mangled


New Member
Has anyone else had a problem with their Mimaki plotter carriage belt? The section that feeds into the left housing is all mangled on the bottom. I think it's riding low on whatever gear or pulley that it's traveling on in there. We've had it less than 2 years and it just recently started showing signs of this.


  • cg130fx carriage belt 01.jpg
    cg130fx carriage belt 01.jpg
    20.8 KB · Views: 303


New Member
It's not melted. A whole section of it has a uniform crease. Some parts apparently creased too much and have taken the appearance of hangnails.


New Member
after rading this post saturday,i went over to my gc 130 ,i think its numbered ,,and to check mine to see if i had this going on ...well mine is fine .but back to yours ..now something pretty tough has caught this to rip out a piece like shown in that pic ......something "catching on it" if its under one of the plastic end caps they come right off with taking out a couple philip screws there [ i took mine off just to look around] mayby theres a "bracket" or some loose gizmo in there catching that belt ...might take a minute to look in there ,,,theres no big issue taking off them end caps i.e. springs flying out, etc.


New Member
Thanks for the replies. I just wanted to know if it was normal wear. It's still under warranty and has worsened since my first post, so I'll have to get it fixed before it snaps on its own and we're out a plotter a few days.


New Member
I see you're in Michigan. I shipped mine all the way to Hawaii from Michigan because I have such great service from Advantage Sign Supply in their Grand Rapids location. I hope they are your supplier too, or that you deal with someone just as good. If you have any dissatisfaction with your suppliers of print medias & laminates etc... Give Matt a call. Their service is the best I've encountered from coast to coast in the last 20 years.


New Member
We do use Advantage and the belt was under warranty, so now I have to figure out if we can install it or just have them do it. If it doesn't come with instructions we might be better off paying for the labor charge.


New Member
You may want them to install the new one and check to see what mangled the original one. I would have them check it over because that should have never happened.