Shawn, My cjv200-130 was delivered and installed last monday and It's been absolutely amazing. It's an incredible leap ahead of the 150 by all accounts and I couldn't be happier. The automation features on it are great, it basically takes care of itself. SS22 inks are great, no real strong odors during normal printing. The cut feature is really nice, while not as fast as a stand alone, it doesn't take up the extra floor space. 3 year warranty offer is a good deal, too. Print quality with the 8 ink option is breathtaking on every substrate i've run through it so far. Lots of great quality of life features.
Haters are gonna hate, but I can tell you as a new to Mimaki customer who isn't really a brand bunny for anyone, after a year of hemming and hawing over what I could get that fit my budget AND my needs for the foreseeable future, all of my expectations have been exceeded and my anxieties put to rest with the 200. I can also go on and on about the incredible pre- during and post sales and support experience from my local Millcraft office, too.
What else can I tell or show you about the 200?