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Mimaki JFX 1631 Plus Flatbed Printer Problems


New Member
I'm having a problem with my printer. I keep getting a (system halt Error 811:FW/SIO read) Can anyone HELP me out


New Member
Page 2-28 of the maintenance manual lists this error.

Here is the page of the manual:



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New Member
I have a manual but I up graded the FW to 2.7 but in the book it says to up grade the Sub FW. Where can i get that


New Member
I can't find any help for you on firmware or sub-firmware. Where did you get the upgrade? Can they help you? Otherwise I would contact Mimaki.

Good luck.


New Member
on the sides (the things that look liek fenders) take them off and check out your 1/4 gold renishaw strip there is one on both sides. this is the precision measurement strip it uses to identify where it is on the bed, sometimes dust gets on this strip and it can mess it up leading to a halt.

Especially if you notice that you get consistent halts on the same spot,, you can clean it lightly with a lint free tissue or microfiber, a little alcohol if needed. if the strip looks visually fine dont **** with it call a tech