Hi we recently purchased a mimaki jfx 200-2513. print wise everything prints and looks amazing. but we are having issues trying to cut foam pvc aka foamex. when we print and cut or even leave to harden off for a few days the edges are chipping away, only slightly on the edge but you can see it as its cutting and if you run your finger over the edge the ink comes off on your finger. were using the lus150 inks that are supposed to be more flexible. we have tried all of the mimaki profiles and even created our own profile in gmg but with the same outcome. correx and card on the other hand cut fine with no chipping. we are cutting the boards on our zund xl3000 cutter. we have had a durst and vutek flatbed with the same cutter and never had this issue.we have tried different lamp settings, cleaned with isopropyl, used the mimaki primer, tried different blades but the same outcome. is there a foam pvc prefered to others? thanks