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Mimaki JV3-Half of magenta not printing


New Member
Half of the magenta isn't printing on my JV3-160SP. Any ideas? If was printing fine a day or two ago. I've gone through all the cleaning procedures with no help. I tried swapping the magenta ink cartridges and it made no difference. Is the head shot? Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.


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New Member
when ever that happens to me it's normally becuase a cartridge went empty.. Have you done several cleanings? If this is the case and the head ran dry it'll take some time for the printer to suck the ink to the head again..
If that doesn't work I'd do a few Nozzle washes and let the head sit in Solvent for 99min a few times.. then do some cleaning.. Last thing is that doesn't work is you coudl try wiping the head after it soaked using a lit free rag or a nice big swap.. I'd leave that till the end though.

J Hill Designs

New Member
How would I do that? I've never had to replace or do any maintenance to the machine so this is new to me. For what it's worth I can see ink in both lines coming down into the top of the carriage,

head on capping station, disconnect the line that goes from that cap to the waste...hook a syringe up to it and pull..think with the mimaki you have to tell the machine to open the valves via the menu first...


General Know-it-all
If there's something in the damper that's clogged it you definitely don't want to pull that through into your head. Please check cartridge first, if it's got ink in it it's probably the damper. They have filters in them to protect your head from "coagulated" ink. If it's plugged you'll have to replace it. Then check the ink cartridge and see what the expiration date is, if it's outdated THROW IT AWAY and ream your supplier a new one for sending you old ink. Only time I've had to replace a damper is when the production help ran outdated ink in the machine.

Good luck,


New Member
Half of the magenta isn't printing on my JV3-160SP. Any ideas? If was printing fine a day or two ago. I've gone through all the cleaning procedures with no help. I tried swapping the magenta ink cartridges and it made no difference. Is the head shot? Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.

Perform a "Disway Wash" see if your caps and pumps are working properly by putting an eyedropper of cleaning solvent in them while the Disway Wash is running.

If the solvent does not drain properly through the cap then you either have a bad pump (tubing) or clogged cap.

If you need it I can email you the service manual, but if you continue to have issues call
a Mimaki qualified tech.


New Member
Perform a "Disway Wash" see if your caps and pumps are working properly by putting an eyedropper of cleaning solvent in them while the Disway Wash is running.

If the solvent does not drain properly through the cap then you either have a bad pump (tubing) or clogged cap.

If you need it I can email you the service manual, but if you continue to have issues call
a Mimaki qualified tech.

If you could email that it would be appreciated akprobegt@comcast.net


New Member
How would I do that? I've never had to replace or do any maintenance to the machine so this is new to me. For what it's worth I can see ink in both lines coming down into the top of the carriage,

If you've never had to replace anything and the machine has some time on it I would suspect the pump first, although the damper is also possible. My money is on the pump, this is typically what they do when they go out. You should really keep one on the shelf as they are consumable parts. The changeout is easy.


New Member
If you've never had to replace anything and the machine has some time on it I would suspect the pump first, although the damper is also possible. My money is on the pump, this is typically what they do when they go out. You should really keep one on the shelf as they are consumable parts. The changeout is easy.

Can you give some hints on how to do this? I'm pretty mechanically inclined but unless I'm looking at the wrong part it looks pretty tough to get to. When I do a DISWASH or even a regular cleaning all the fluid goes down fine. Would this mean the pump(s?) are ok?

For what it's worth I installed all new dampers this morning. I siphoned the ink into the dampers and can no longer see air in the lines. After doing this when I do a TEST DRAW I get a great looking Yellow but almost nothing else. I get a very few faint lines of CMK. I feel like I'm going backwards here. I did several 60-90 minutes nozzle soaks at Advantages direction and it seemed to make no difference. I'll be calling them in the morning again but other suggestions are welcome.


Active Member
I've "worked backwards" before too, and its disheartening as hell.
Whenever this has happened to me, I've just gone to my cleaning cartridges and started from scratch. Drain ink, fill cleaner, drain cleaner, fill ink... but I don't do this too often (twice in 5years) because it wastes a TON of ink.

I'm late into this post, so if you've already diagnosed a bad pump... then idk what to say, since I've never had a defective pump before *knocks on wood.
If anything, my best guess would be that... while you were servicing your magenta problem... the other heads sat exposed to air and clogged up too? Nozzle Wash/Custody Wash x99min.


New Member
I've "worked backwards" before too, and its disheartening as hell.
Whenever this has happened to me, I've just gone to my cleaning cartridges and started from scratch. Drain ink, fill cleaner, drain cleaner, fill ink... but I don't do this too often (twice in 5years) because it wastes a TON of ink.

I'm late into this post, so if you've already diagnosed a bad pump... then idk what to say, since I've never had a defective pump before *knocks on wood.
If anything, my best guess would be that... while you were servicing your magenta problem... the other heads sat exposed to air and clogged up too? Nozzle Wash/Custody Wash x99min.

I replaced all pumps and all dampers. Current status is black prints well and yellow prints well. Cyan prints half well, other half absolutely nothing. I actually got a nice test draw out of magenta, both rows, once last night but now its printing pretty spotty. As you can imagine I've done custodial cleaning many times, including quite a few 60-90 minutes nozzle soaks. I've done the soft, normal and hard cleanings many times.

I'm going to order all new capping stations as they've never been replaced. I'm probably going to order 2 new head$ as well. I can't keep ordering a part, trying it, then waiting another day or two to try the next part. I don't know what else to do. I need to get this machine up and running ASAP.
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New Member
I'm still having issues with my Mimaki. I've replaced all dampers, both
pumps and the capping stations. After all of that everything is printing
except for one column of cyan(see attached). Because of that I went ahead
and installed a new cyan print head. The install was easy enough and I did
the Head ID as well. Now when I do the test draw it's printing blue all
across the machine(see also attached). The worst part is in that mess of
blue it still looks like I have a column of cyan not printing. Any
suggestions what to do? I'm going crazy here trying to figure out what to
do. I've been talking with Advantage and as of yesterday they seemed to want
to avoid replacing electrical parts. I've got a call into them and I'm
waiting to hear what they suggest next. I'm just lost.


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New Member
I would swap the ribbon cables around on the cyan head basically making it print opposite of what it is supposed to. Also try physically switching ribbon cables around (top and bottom) with the other working side. If the problem flips around also then you know you have an electric issue relating to the ribbon cable or slider board. From the looks of it something more major is wrong. Be sure to report back what the fix was.


New Member
I swapped the Cyan and Yellow ribbons cables at the heads. Do a Test draw and it printed still missing a column of Cyan. It also printed Yellow all the way across the page and back.

I swapped the ribbon cables on cyan at the slider board, did a test draw and it doesnt print anything at all.


New Member
everyone's ideas have sounded spot on and the swapping of the cables seemed to have shown that it's not a problem with the ribbon cables or control board. so my finger would be pointing towards the head itself but it would seem odd that half the head not to work and it be a an board issue within the head itself.

myself i would be doing a few things

1/ soaking the head by filling the capping station and then turning the machine off and leaving the head to soak in them over night

2/ putting the head onto the capping station then connect a syringe to the capping station hose and slowly and carefully pull ink through the head. this will show that the rubbers on the capping station are making contact as well.

3/ remove the dampers and gently running some mild solvent cleaning fluid through each of the intakes on the heads. you should see some nice streams out of each head that look like a garden sprinkler.

***be very careful doing this a you don't want fluid to spill onto the heads circuit board.

hope some of that helps


New Member
everyone's ideas have sounded spot on and the swapping of the cables seemed to have shown that it's not a problem with the ribbon cables or control board. so my finger would be pointing towards the head itself but it would seem odd that half the head not to work and it be a an board issue within the head itself.

myself i would be doing a few things

1/ soaking the head by filling the capping station and then turning the machine off and leaving the head to soak in them over night

I dont think its the head. Like I said I swapped another head in and while it made a nice big blue mess(not sure why), when doing the test draw it still didn't printed the same column of cyan. I have since take that new head back out and flushed it out.

2/ putting the head onto the capping station then connect a syringe to the capping station hose and slowly and carefully pull ink through the head. this will show that the rubbers on the capping station are making contact as well.

The capping station is brand new. I can pull ink through with the proper resistance. I really dont think it's a suction problem. The both pumps are all new as well.

3/ remove the dampers and gently running some mild solvent cleaning fluid through each of the intakes on the heads. you should see some nice streams out of each head that look like a garden sprinkler.

***be very careful doing this a you don't want fluid to spill onto the heads circuit board.

hope some of that helps

When I had the old head out I ran cleaning fluid through both damper nipples. Fluid came out both rows on the head just fine.

I kind of feel like my next step is either pay a tech to come look at it or get a slider board overnighted. I've gotten two quotes for a tech to come and both will work out to be $2,000+ plus parts. Given the economics of it I'll likely order the slider board tomorrow but I'm open to other suggestions.


New Member
I swapped the Cyan and Yellow ribbons cables at the heads. Do a Test draw and it printed still missing a column of Cyan. It also printed Yellow all the way across the page and back.

I swapped the ribbon cables on cyan at the slider board, did a test draw and it doesnt print anything at all.

Sounds like you are on track with the slider board.


New Member
sounds like it is time to get the a new slider board and try that next.... it does seem like a problem that isn't adding to an ink issues

best of luck and let us all know what it ended up being when you do get it fixed