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Mimaki leaving ink before and after print


New Member
Hi everyone! I was windering if I could get help on here. I just recently purchased a use mimaki jv3 printer. Im new to digital printing and just got it running today. I started printing a simple 2 color banner and for some reason its leaving lots of ink mess before the print and after the print. Sometimes it doesnt leave before the print, but its sure it will leave at the end of the print,even when its just measuring the media width it leaves lots of ink mess.

Could it be that the printer is not 100 percent leveled? Its only slantes an 3/4 of an inch to the right. I took some video of it printing and attached it below..

I would really appreciate the help guys!




New Member
WOW, Definate head strike! Need to have your material run straighter through the printer, and raise the heads.


New Member
Thanks for the reply! What about before printing, the machine keeps leaving lots of ink even when just detecting the media width...



New Member
you know that feeling when you run your nails across the blackboard? well, that's what i felt inside when you just stood by and let your head strike your media like that. :covereyes:

pls completely read your manual on how to take use your printer. you can start with how to properly load your media.

i was just like you once. now, my nightmares include having anything brush against my heads.. even just once.



New Member
having your printing unlevel will definitely force too much pressure against the ink supply. the ink runs down to the head with very slight positive pressure inside the lines. leaning it to horizontally will cause it to leak. the reason it's on the sides is because the direction change whips it off the head. occasionally a hair on the print head's platen will cause dripping and that will leave a dot here or there as well.

and your heads will be toast by the end of the day. just a single head strike can cost you the performance of the head permanently. i think i counted about 50 with everyone standing around.

if it starts doing that, hit "remote" and fix the media, or start over.


That biga$$ ripple in the media is the big problem. You shoudl be sure the media is flat to begin with but some can buckle after loading. If you ever see it doing that - DIVE for the remote button, power cord, something to stop it immediatley. Things contating the bottoms of the heads damage the heads. At $750+ each times 4 heads you do not want that.... As mentioned, you need to learn about properly using this sort of a machine. If you are lucky you have not already damaged the heads. Yeah - all of us cringe and die a little inside seeing the heads rubbing materal - once you understand you will realize it's a gut wrenching sickening feeling.