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Mimaki magenta help


New Member
Hi everyone,
We have 2 Mimaki printers, a JV100-160 and a JV150-130. Both machines have new dampers which were professionally installed.
Both run OEM mimaki inks.
We are experiencing the magenta ink disappearing from test prints. We have to either run a clean cycle or fill up the ink to bring it back. This just happens to the magenta color only.
Any thoughts?


Founder, President, Janitor
Two different printers, same problem? Did this issue prompt the damper change in both machines? The only common denominator is the magenta ink.

DL Signs

Never go against the family
Check the cap adjustment first since parts were just replaced, but I'm kinda on the same page as teampix, way too odd to have the same issue happen to two printers at the same time.

A while back, can't for the life of me remember which brand, may have even been Mimaki, one batch of ink, one color, had air in the bags and would do that. It happens.

Check the lot number on the cartridges and see if they're the same. If so, check the lines for air bubbles, throw in a cartridge from a different lot number, bleed any air bubbles out, and see if that brings everything back. If it does turn out to be the cartridges, let your vendor know, they should cover them.