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Mimaki UCJV330 printer purchase or Canon Colorado M3W Pro


New Member
We are looking to purchase a new Mimaki UCJV330 and wanted some feedback from existing users. We print wall murals and clear film mostly and want to ensure the colors match from panel to panel and the sizing is accurate. We are also looking at the Canon Colorado M3W which is much more expensive. Any feedback would help in our process. Thanks in advance.


Shaving goats and eating bushes
I have a UCJV330 and I really have enjoyed it so far, haven't had many issues to complain about. The white is really nice and does a nice job of blocking out light on clear prints. I can't really compare it to anything else since this is my first UV machine. Printing quality is really nice, I generally run most stuff at 600x1200 unless I'm using clear (Gloss) and have to run a 1200x1200. I think it would come down to speed and the amount you print going between both these machines.


New Member
I have a UCJV330 and I really have enjoyed it so far, haven't had many issues to complain about. The white is really nice and does a nice job of blocking out light on clear prints. I can't really compare it to anything else since this is my first UV machine. Printing quality is really nice, I generally run most stuff at 600x1200 unless I'm using clear (Gloss) and have to run a 1200x1200. I think it would come down to speed and the amount you print going between both these machines.
Thanks for the feedback it really helps to hear from someone using the printer on a daily bases.


Shaving goats and eating bushes
I should've put in the things I personally don't like about it. I don't like the head wiper system. It's a roll of impregnated material and I've been running since July (not heavy usage) and I've replaced this 3x now. So it seems one last for about a month and they are $50 per cartridge. I'm not a huge fan of the feed and take up system, I wish the take up hand a tensioner bar instead of it constantly spinning with a clutch to keep tension. Also wish the feeding system was motorized like on Epsons, which I think would help with a specialty printing that UCJV does, called pullback printing.


New Member
We bought the UCJV330 too. We just did not have the volume to warrant the Cannon - the expense upfront and the service contract combined. I agree with Goatshaver on the feed and takeup system. but we usually just let the print hit the floor as we do very little roll-to-roll. Quality is excellent and it works great. It does like to go to sleep, so be sure it is awake before you send a job or RasteLink and the machine seem to not recognize each other. But printing is fast and excellent quality.