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Mimaki UJF-3042FX vs UJF-3042MKIIe


New Member
I currently own an FX that's working well but needs some love on the white/clr head. I have a service call to replace the damper(or do we say dumper) and hopefully that will solve the issue -- but I've been shopping for a new printer and thinking now might be a good time upgrade. Has anyone gone from an FX to new generation MKII? They are technically lower resolution (1200x1400 down to 1200x1200) but have a bunch of new technology which I'm imagining compensates -- is the MKII as satisfying and long lasting and well built as my FX? would you say it's a no brainier decision or maintaining my FX for as long as I can is more worth it? Thanks for any advice, comment you may bring to the table.

Forty One

Make signs they said... It'll be fun they said...
I ran the FX for years before upgrading to the 7151.
All those bells and whistles I have not even looked at.