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Mosh mixer???


New Member
Just tossing it out there, but who would be in for a "Mosh Mixer"??? I am in "fly over" country, and there would only be beer drinking and gun shooting not many company reps, (well I bet Icould get a few, I am kinda famous) ....Talking in April or May!!! Being serious now....I want to have the biggest gathering for 101.....I promise people, that anyone who came would never...eeevvverr...forget it....aaaagain

thank you. and God bless


Active Member
I wouldn't mind a spring trip to Nebraska, especially for a 101 member mixer. I like beer and I like guns...............but not both within range of each other. Count me out.


Premium Subscriber
I'd like to know the Mosh but geez man that's a long time from now. We may not even be here.

Will you have rum because I don't drink beer! What about automatic weapons?


Quit buggin' me
You should have put this in the premium section, now the ATF is going to invite their SWAT team.......

wayne k
guam usa


New Member
i'd be there, only about two hours to nebraska city.....

you must drive fast coloradosigns:rock-n-roll:, he is on the omaha side of the state


New Member
beer, guns, and vinyl gfx? i'd be down.
been dying for another cross-country roadtrip to go snowboarding and nebraska has always been the least interesting part of those trips!