Moving JV3
How far are you moving it and how long will it be unplugged?
We purchased our JV3-160SP used and it took 3 or 4 days to ship. The head wasn't locked down, the printheads & lines were left with ink in them and... well.. let's just say that over $5000 later, we're back up and running (including a new PC board that we had to install since, in the process of changing heads (some of them twice), capping stations, pumps (twice), capping drain lines, etc, we shorted out the PC board).
If it's way over 8 hours, call whomever you purchased it from and get the piece to lock the head. See if you can running cleaning solution through the heads too and store them. I've only had to do it once, but it saved me after the main PC board went down and I had to wait 36 hours for a new one. (Frankly, I'd just call Mimaki tech support - they've been very helpful to me).